Toge Inumaki

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Inumaki age: 21

Y/n age: 20

My cellphone buzzed and I yanked it from the pocket over my left breast and unlocked the screen to check what it was, I just finished exams for the day here at college so I wasn't expecting it to be anything important.

Life as a curse killer had been pretty tame these days so most of the time I found myself thinking of things to do once school was done and over with for the day.

'Movie night at our place? Everyone's coming.'

I shielded my eyes from the sun's glare to make sure that I'd read that right, it was from Maki Zen'in's number, a girl I've been friends with since everyone's early days at JJK High; but everyone?

The only ones that I remember from our group were Inumaki, Panda, Yuta, and even some of the other people from the year below ours- maybe it was a typo or something..

I used my thumb to scroll type my answer to her.

'Define everyone- we haven't hung out in ages.'

Three little dots appeared by her icon almost instantly and I snickered, Maki and I might have grown apart a little bit as we grew older but I still thought of her as a close friend.

'Duh, don't you think I know that? Why else would I plan a movie night? Anyway, Panda said he was too busy tutoring, Megumi is out with Gojo for a little bit and I think Nobara's still shopping so it'll just be you, me, Inumaki, Yuta, and Itadori for now. Everyone should be by later.'

'Hm...fine, I guess I'll come by, I've got nothing better to do.'

Maki sent a winking face and I rolled my eyes before putting my phone up in my pocket again, no doubt this was another attempt to set me up with one of the boys...

But I didn't have a problem with it; I was too scared to talk to any of them much on my own anyway and no doubt she'd heard about my crush on Inumaki through the grape vine.

I made a mental note to pick up some treats before I got to Maki's place and went on my way to the nearest shop with a slight skip to my step, after all, nothing could go wrong with just a movie night- right?


The tiny microwave dinged and I opened the door to pull out the popcorn with my finger nails, opening one of the slits before shaking the contents into a large red bowl; I was lucky to think about grabbing a few boxes on my way here with the way Yuji was eating through these bags.

Noises from the action movie that was playing across the tv reached my ears from the kitchen and I chuckled, it wasn't something either Maki or myself wanted to watch but we let the boys play it just to keep them busy.

Inumaki hadn't shown up yet and Maki had told me that one of his classes must have been running late again and I was full of anxiety waiting for him to show up.

Stupid, stupid. He probably doesn't even like you like that anyway, what are you worrying yourself so much for?

I was vaguely aware of the front door opening in the background but I just shook it off before grabbing the bowl and making my way back into the living room, lights flashed across my face and I nearly dropped the bowl on the floor when I saw a new face.

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