Toji Fushiguro

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The horns blew off at a deafening rate at the race track and I cringed inwardly, how men could sit here and listen to the gambling horses was beyong me but I knew no better; I chose to work here for the last six months. The pay was absolute dog shit, but at least it kept SOME money in my pockets.

"Hey y/n, order up."

My boss pointed to a small plastic tray that only bore a singular cup of coffee in the middle with a cardboard hand-guard, if there was one obvious thing I hated about this job, it was the patrons that came through here some nights. At 24, I've seen the bare minimum but it already bored the living hell out of me.

"It's nearly closing time, who could possibly be out there still?"

I carefully picked up the tray and balanced it on the palm of my left hand and my boss just shrugged his beefy shoulders, the uniform for the men who chose to work here was a red and white striped pin-suit, matching slacks, and brown loafers; since I was one of the only females there, mine was just a simple dark blue blouse, black mini-skirt, and strapping black heels.

"Fushiguro, who else? He's always here from open to close on Fridays."

I sighed before elbowing the door open to the consessions stand and winced when another loud horn hurt my ears, I tugged on the hem of my skirt on my way over to the only shape left in our lousy plastic chairs. My heart was already kicking into over-drive before I saw the guy's face.

"Order for Mr. Fushiguro?"

With a crumpled ticket clutched in his left hand, he motioned for me to come closer with his other hand, his attention was still riveted to our flat screens on the other side of this wide room.

"Mhm, right here..."

He patted one of the cup holders built into the chair he sat in and rolled my eyes before taking the drink from the tray and placing it in the holder, when I went to pull my arm back our hands accidentally brushed against one another and then, he finally looked up at me.

"Oh, I didn't know you were working here tonight y/n."

His touch sent a flash burn across my skin and I shivered before I pulled my arm back all the way and rubbed at the goosebumps that flowered across my skin; I clutched the tray to my abdomen like it was a toy ball.

"Er...yeah, someone called in sick, and I could always use the money."

What little bit of pocket change I got from this shit show anyway.


He seemed to be appraising how my uniform clung to the curves in my body and I felt the heat flood my cheeks, I've only met this man a handful of times since I began working here but he always had the aura of being able to get any woman he wanted, but he confused me every time he looked at me. I deemed myself to be too plain for this man ages ago.

"You can call me Toji, y/n."

", is there anything else you need Toji?"

He smiled, the scar along the right side of his cheek perked up a little bit.

"Your time- I'd offer to pay, but..."

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