Nanami Kento

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I knocked on the shiny oak door and a button clicked somewhere to let me in, I balanced a full bento box in my left hand and my right held a foam cup of freshly made mint tea, the way I knew he liked.

"Come on in."

Nanami was sitting at his desk with a thick novel between his elbows and when he noticed that it was me he marked his place with a lamanated blue marker and offered me a tired smile.

For the past three years I worked as one of his personal assistants, favoring night shift over day shift and we'd grown fond of eachother in that time period; so much so, that he often took me out on missions.

Every Friday before closing for the weekend we always shared a hot or cold lunch together from one of his favorite sushi joints down the road and today was no exception.

"Oh, it's you y/n. Did you see the notice that I left on your desk this morning?"

I hesitated before walking over to his desk and setting the food and drinks down before perching on the edge of one of the puffy chairs on the opposite side of his desk, he had two pairs of chopsticks waiting already.

He pushed a pair of sticks at me before one of his pale eyebrows rose and he opened the box, wafting the scent of freshly rolled sushi in the small box office; he opened another layer and began to seperate the food.

"Well, I got a call to check on some kind of special grade curse tomorrow and I need your help- provided you want to accompany me of course. Your cursed technique might come of some use again."

He passed me a portion of the box and I winced, picking up the rice before using the chopsticks to eat tiny mouthfulls here and there; I was certified to hunt down Special Grades but my specialty was healing others.

Which was the main reason why I was with Nanami-san's company, a few of his partners in the past had their fair share of bad luck on missions and Shoko was almost always too busy to make much progress here.

"Hmm....I'll have to think about it sir, I might be needed here after all.."

"Y/n please, you don't have to keep calling me sir like it's your first day interning here, you can call me by my name. If it's worth anything extra, you'll get paid double the over-time if you choose to come with."

We sat there in silence eating the food for a few minutes and when I was full I set my portion of the box back down on his desk, Nanami's blonde hair seemed more disheveled then usual and he had dark circles around his eyes.

Poor man....I was curious as to how long he'd stayed up this time but I knew better then to ask, I crossed my left leg over my right one and intertwined my hands together over my knees.

"....alright, I'll go with. I don't want to risk you getting hurt being out there on your own."

A soft smile spread across his face and he set what little bit of his food he had left back down into the rest of the box before reaching out with his left hand and letting his fingers stroke the shiny desk top closest to me.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me that you're willing to take care of me and my company even after all these years, I'm blessed to have you around."

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