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It was night at the Monastery, and everyone had just finished dinner. The gang was all sat around the table; Wyldfyre and Kai had made it back from their errands trip, and the rest of the people in the Monastery were having a good laugh together. However, there was still no Arin nor Zane to be found.

"Hey, in all seriousness, where did Zane and Arin run off to? They went on some sort of mission together, yet they haven't been back all day!" Kai asks, seemingly a little impatient. He wanted to tell Arin something funny that happened at the Crossroads, but what use was it if he wasn't there in the flesh?

"I'm sure they'll be back soon." Lloyd reassures his friend, smiling slightly. "Zane's a smart nindroid, and Arin is crafty- they'll find a way back for sure."

"That's true...but, I'm worried. You remember what happened with Cole in Shintaro? He was surrounded by earth and he ended up getting captured still." Kai was worried, it was very evident in his face, as his brow was furrowed and his eyes showed slight panic for his tin-headed friend, as well as the smart yet curious kid.

"Kai, they'll be back, I promise you." Nya reassures her brother, putting a hand on his shoulder. Kai looks at Nya's hand, and then exhales.

"You're right...I should probably keep my anxieties to a minimum...but I'm still really worried about them."

"Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if they walked through the Monastery gates right now?" Sora was looking outside, as if she had spotted something.

"Uh, I'd go and greet them. Why?" Kai asks, his brown eyes narrowing.

"Because they've just gone through the gates right now!!"

"...your kidding right?" Kai cocks his head. She must have learned this from Jay. But Jay wasn't back yet...so how was that possible? Unless she was telling the truth. Kai walks up to the doorway, and peers out, only to find that Zane and Arin were back. His eyes light up, and a grin appears on his face.

"You weren't kidding!!" Kai runs up to them, "Hey!! How was the mission?"

"It was quite interesting, to say the least." Zane states, his eyes as cold as ice. I mean, it made sense. He did possess the element of ice after all. "We discovered what we wanted, and we even had time to drop by to the Crossroads to get something for Arin and I to eat."

"Mhm!!" The black haired boy nods, a small grin on his face. "Zane took me to a noodle shop because he thought we'd miss going to dinner with you guys."

"That's nice of him" Kai chuckles, and then his eyes light up. "Oh yeah, I have something to tell you about something that happens in the Crossroads whilst you were gone."

"Wait, really?? Was it another Blobbo disaster?" Arun's eyes lit up, curiosity evident in his tone. Zane chuckles, and then folds his arms.

"Can the gossip wait? Not to be rude, but I would like to tell everyone about this new discovery first." The nindroid asks. Arin nods, smiling still.

"Ooh yeah!! You guys won't believe your eyes!! It's amazing what we have found." Arin clasps his hands together, "Ooh! I'll go and tell the others." He then runs inside of the Monastery, where everyone had just finished eating. Kai chuckles, putting a hand on his hip.

"I gotta admit, the kid has energy."

"Indeed he does," Zane agrees, nodding, this time with a slight smile. "He was really excited when we found what we did. You guys are going to really like it."

"Is that the stuff you were researching earlier? The still that was sprawled along your desk? Nya saw it earlier and told me." Kai wonders, turning towards his cold hearted friend.

"Yes, it is...and why was Nya snooping around my desk again?" Zane raises an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing.

"Oh, she didn't mean to. She had some stuff to do in the underground area, so she walked past it and couldn't help but notice it was, you know, messier than usual."

"An, I see...well, we should probably get to explaining this thing now. It's quite important, and not to worry you so soon, but it's also dangerous." Zane says, lowering his voice.

"...dangerous?" Kai asks, cocking his head. "Well, if it's that dangerous, we should probably tell the others...I, not explaining, though." He puts his hands up to his head.

"I know, I know, I'll be doing the talking, now if we can head inside, I'll start to explain what exactly me and Arin found at that temple." Zane starts to walking into the Monastery, Kai following close behind him.

The two of them walk inside, and Kai closes the door. Zane then stands in front of the group. He had told Arin to sit down before and let him do the talking before they got back, so he sat there next to Sora and Wyldfyre, looking quite excited.

"Alright, everyone." Zane begins, before pulling out of his pocket what looks like a golden amulet.

"I believe we have a few matters to discuss."

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