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The deep night sky is starting to become evident as the sun sets across the horizon. Stars are only starting to just show, as the city is soon to be bathed in moonlight once more. The building the man stands on overlooks most of the city. It isn't as tall as Borg Tower, but it's close. He wasn't planning on doing anything up here, of course, he was just planning to...observe the life below, as well as watch the sun set. He adjusts the sleeve on his purple gi, and continues to observe.

There was no breeze currently. The days had been quite tranquil, but he has a feeling that might not be the case so soon. Letting out a deep sigh, he fixes his green eyes on the horizon once more. Everything had been so weird lately- The Merge and basically losing all of his loved ones. He had found a few of them, which was good, but he still needed to find the others. He had even met a few new friends, which was nice. But, he still had a bad feeling, that something was on its way. Maybe it was the amulet, maybe it was something else. Maybe it was the fact that *he* could return any minute now.

Gripping the railing a little tighter, he then hears a noise behind him, like a door shutting, along with a few quiet footsteps. Now, the man would have been alarmed, but he recognised the steps well, he could only let out a sigh, and a small chuckle.

"Nice try, but you're gonna have to try better than that if you want to sneak up on me." He speaks, turning around and folding his arms casually, a small smile on his face. His voice was cold, yet quite quiet and calming.

"And who says I was trying to sneak up on you?" A woman's voice responds. Hers was also calming, and seemed to be quite devoid of any sort of harsh tones. If anything, her tone was more smug. She has a soft smile on her face too, as she takes a few more steps, then crosses her arms. Her eyes were also green, but a little darker and less saturated in colour.

"I know you're still trying to get back at me for when I scared you that one time." The man cocks his head to the side, pushing a bit of his brown hair out of his face.

"It was the middle of the night. I was half asleep, and you were just stood there." The woman's look on her face was more sarcastic than angry. After all, neither of them could stay mad at each other for long.

"It was an accident, though." He smiles a little wider. "Not my fault you got so startled." The woman rolls her eyes whilst she smirks, then walks until she's next to him. She looks down at the city below too.

"Any news on that amulet yet? You know, the one we located at The Administration?" The woman asks, still looking down at the city.

"Not yet...it's really puzzling me. I've read a lot of books on this surrounding it, and nothing's come up." He sighs, turning around and also leaning on the railing next to her. "And no, before you say anything, I'm not gonna admit that Google 2.0 is better than the old books."

"I never said that, but it sure has come in handy. And it's not called Google 2.0, it doesn't have a name...yet." The woman chuckles softly, "I was thinking we could archive the books and scrolls you've found onto a hard drive, so we have a digital copy in case they do get destroyed."

"Actually, that's a good idea. I still remember when my place got destroyed that one time due to...you know what I mean, right?" The man looks over to her. "0/10, wouldn't recommend your sanctuary getting destroyed by a dangerous race of Oni."

The woman chuckles once more, also looking at him. "That must have sucked...I'm sorry I wasn't there to help out or anything."

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself." He puts a hand on her shoulder gently. "We hadn't met at that point, so there's nothing you could have done."

"Oh, thanks" She smiles, "but I'm not going to let that happen again, okay? We both have each other's backs."

He nods, crossing his arms. "Agreed. I just can't help but wonder where those other amulets are..."

"Mhm, but I'm sure we'll find 'em." She pushes a bit of her hair out of her face. Her hair was black, but she had a few white streaks in the front of it, in memory of her mother. She had dyed them 4 years ago, before the Merge, and she had kept it like that since. "I doubt that anyone else has found out about them...maybe Lord Phoenix, but he isn't much of a problem compared to some...other villains."

"Yeah, I get what you mean." He nods. "But then we have to worry about Ras as well."

"Oh shit, I forgot about him..." She sighs, clearly annoyed by the sound of his name. "But, on the bright side, he brought us back together. Even though he's a pain in the ass."

The man laughs softly. "Yeah, you have to give him credit for that. That girl's even worse...the red haired one with the bad haircut."

"I can never remember her name...Jordan? Jay?"

"Nah, I think it's Jordana."

"Oh it is, isn't it?" Her eyes widen a little in realisation. "But, she isn't much of an issue either. I think our main threat here is Ras, and whatever master he serves now."

"Agreed," He nods. "Anyways, enough about villains. Why don't we just take some time to enjoy the sunset. Together?"

"Ah, yes, that does sound like a nice idea." She nods, smiling. They stare out at the sky for a few moments, just admiring the sky together.

"I wonder how many of these we will be able to see..." The man questions, muttering quietly.

"I'm sure we'll see a lot, Mao." She teases, a playful smirk on her face. "Don't need to be such a pessimist."

"Ace, I meant in respects to the seasons changing. I didn't mean it as a "beginning of the end" scenario." Mao narrows his eyes slightly, then he smiles again.

"I know, I know." Ace chuckles, putting an arm around him. "Just...try not to think too negatively, alright?"

"I'll try not to, as long as you do the same." Mao nods, the two of them talking to themselves as they head back inside, the sun skits almost setting.

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