Volume 1 Chapter 7: Turning Back Time!

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The atmosphere around their group to outsiders was suffocating. Iruna took a bite into the sub and the juices of condiments splashed her taste buds. She chewed it with satisfaction. "This is so good!" She smiled brightly. Her radiant smile was intoxicating and beautiful.

They got coffee at GalaxyBucks and then visited the library to study up on human culture and history. They all split up and went to different parts of the building. They grabbed a bunch of books on different topics that aligned with their interests.

Saburo Sabnock: History of war, historical figures, weaponry, & psychology.

Alice Azmodeus: The history of art and food. A few cook books.

Clara Valac: Several books on animals, insects, and flowers.

Iruna grabbed nothing, she was just enjoying the chill vibe the library was giving off. She sat down and brought out her smartphone. She closed her eyes and used wireless earbuds. She ended up falling asleep listening to tunes.

Later on they went shopping for things for their new human home base. (She can create a portal that directly connects to their luxury apartment. That costs 100 gold per person to go through.)

After dropping their things off at the home base they headed out to the movies to watch something violent and thrilling. Iruna sat down in Saburo's lap again. He wrapped his arms around her small framed body. She clung to one of his arms whenever the movie got scary or tense. He smiled at the feeling of her relying on him to feel safe.

They walked out of the movies smiling and chatting about the very good and thrilling movie. On their way back to their apartment on foot. Their happy moment was ruined by Iruna being ripped away from the warm comfort of her soulmate's safe bubble. They lowered their guard down for the first time all day. A metallic knife was pressed up against her neck and slightly made her neck bleed. The scent of her delicious crimson hitting the air. It triggered their evil cycles, except for Saburo. For a very understandable reason. He had to stay in control or he might accidentally hurt her too. The masked figures were rudely awakened to the reality of their situation. They weren't in Kansas anymore. Magic was real and they just pissed off a bunch of very real demons.

The guy holding her hostage panicked and slit her throat as an act of defiance. If he was going to die then he might as well take her to hell with him. Alice grabbed her gushing throat and used his pink flames to reverse the thug's actions. Clara lassoed the two remaining thugs with a spiked chain. They both face planted hard on the concrete ground. Saburo left Iruna to Alice and as he walked past. He activated his Evil Cycle as sick enjoyment consumed his heart. He created a razor sharp glaive and the gold blade became pitch black just like his hair. The screams of his enemies caused him to climax with pleasure. He shuddered with excitement as maniacally stabbed them to death. Their animalistic sounds leaving their mouths caused Saburo to get rock hard. He was getting closer and closer to cumming. He shattered their bones and the instant he crushed their skulls. He groaned deeply in pleasure as he blew his load. He slowly regained his composure as he approached the group. He stepped out into the light of the street lamp. He was soaked in crimson but he was grinning widely. His black hair gradually changed back to golden yellow.

Iruna looked terrified, her reality was a nightmare. She clung to Alice and buried her head in the crook of his neck. "I don't want to experience any more pain today. Let's just go back home." She created a portal to the apartment. Clara created 400 gold. They walked inside and Alice set her down on the bed. Saburo went to get a shower. Clara and Alice cuddled up next to Iruna. "Humans equal destruction. We have to go back to the netherworld." She sat up in the bed and tapped something on her phone.

WTDSIK: Reborn As Iruma-kun!? Vol 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang