Volume 1 Chapter 5: Human Food?

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She felt and heard her stomach growl. "It's time to go undercover and go eat some pizza!" Alice scooped her up into his arms and they four flew down to an abandoned part of town to land. They were now in Rhode Island. Iruna walked in front of them as she led the pack down the sidewalk to one of her favorite pizza places on the island. "You guys are going to love it. Oh right, we need cash." She gestured over a group of Mafia men. "Let's start a war with the mafia. That sounds like fun!" She ran across the street and created a fire bow and arrow with the help of the gluttony ring. She released the arrow and it duplicated upon release. The arrows struck the window and spread throughout and hit people in suits directly in the chest. "This is for all the times you harassed me in my previous life, assholes!" She was looking stylish in her human world outfit.

Human World Iruna: (The Misfits)
Navy blue turtleneck shirt with long sleeves. Black leggings with cobalt high top sneakers with white rubber soles and black laces. Cobalt leather jacket with a Oni Demon face in the back and The Misfits embroidered in cyan thread above the logo.

She easily killed two people out of rage but then reality hit her hard. "I'm killing people without any hesitation? Did the netherworld rub off on me? It is do or die there…" She halted in place and looked down at her hands covered in blood. "I'm a monster? What happened to me?" "Master, watch out!" She looked up only to see someone pull out a machine gun. She was pulled into a warm embrace by Alice as his wings absorbed all the damage. "You aren't a monster. You are an angel compared to us three. You don't have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Leave the death and destruction to us, the demons." She reached out and rested her hand on his face. "Alice, I love you." He was pulled into a fiery and passionate kiss. His body heated up from the inside out. He smirked slightly as he pulled away. "I love you too, Iruna. Sabro, she's all yours!" He pushed her back and a long and thick tail wrapped around her waist and pulled her out of the line of sight. Alice created fire in his palms. "Valac, let's cause some chaos!" "You got it, Azzy!" Sabro rushed out the front and across the street to protect her from being hurt. He set her down and went to go help Alice but she grabbed his tail. He turned around only to see her shaking and crying. His demon heart ached. He crouched down and pulled her into a tight embrace. She clung to his leather jacket desperately. "I don't want to become the demon king, but I'm perfectly alright with becoming your advisor and lover." He looked at her surprised. "Really? But you are the destined demon king." She looked at him sideways, fainting ignorance. "There's this legend in the netherworld. I don't want to become the king anymore. I want to support you and help you become the next king. I'll be your unbreakable shield and undying warrior." He lifted her head with the tip of his large tail. "I fell in love with your strength and courage. You sacrificed yourself to save me. Despite knowing the dangers. You are a human and I'm a demon. Your kindness isn't a weakness but what makes you strong. You help others with wanting nothing in return. But us demons don't forget kindness, since we don't normally care to show it. Your actions are powerful. Your bravery is inspiring. I love you, Iruna. And I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. Just like what you did for me." She locked eyes with him. "I'm blessed by the gods to have been given a second chance." She said to herself. She grabbed his face and pressed her soft plump lips upon his dry ones. His tail straightened out with surprise. But quickly began to sway and move behind him.

Iruna felt weak, she was so hungry. Her grip on his face became non-existent. He felt her lips leave his. He saw her laying on the ground looking weak. "What's wrong?" "I'm so hungry." He didn't know what to do. "Clara can create food." He told her to wait here and he dashed across the street. She laid there on the concrete ground clinging to her stomach on her side. "I'm back in the human world, I can't believe it. I wonder if the demon king is here, and not actually dead? Maybe I'll try to call him with that new ability."

Telepathic Link:
They can call anyone they picture in their head with the use of the special phone, kind of like a magic satellite phone. It's connection can't travel to other planes/dimensions but the distance limit is as big as the netherworld.

Clara, Alice and Sabro showed up with wallets full of human world cash. Clara created a bunch of pastries to hold her stomach over until they got to the pizza place. Iruna devoured the breaded sweets desperately and was handed a bottle of water. She gulped it down as if she hadn't drank anything in hours. But it was true. She hasn't eaten since this morning. And that was so long ago. She sat up and saw Alice and Clara looked worried. They were untouched and fully healed by drinking the blood of their enemies. They were unstoppable monsters. She was in good  devilish hands. She pushed herself to stand, Sabro's tail assisted by making sure she didn't fall. The spear head brushed up against her back gently. She exhaled deeply as she was barely conscious. "We'll get pizza and rent a hotel room. I need to sleep off my exhaustion." She was handed the wallets. She pulled out several types of bills and showed them to Clara. "Can you copy and paste multiple copies of these types of bills? Mostly the 10, 20, & 100 dollar bills?" She nodded her head and pulled out what she needed. "Holy shit!" She almost passed out of shock. "We have to go shopping after I rest up. Your Bloodline Magic is so useful and a lifesaver. Thank you so much, Clara!" She scooped her up and kissed her dearly on the lips. Clara felt her body heat up. Her eyes widened at the feeling of her heart becoming full of life and happiness. Iruna pulled away but Clara grabbed their head on either side and invaded her mouth hungrily. Iruna couldn't breathe and tried to pull her off. Alice yanked her off. "Will you quit it! She clearly couldn't breathe!" He pointed at Iruna trying to catch her breath. "Sorry! Iruna-chi!" "It's alright. Just warn me next time." She wiped her mouth. "Let's go get something to eat before I pass out."

Time Skip:

(Dino's Pizza Plaza)

They all stepped inside without any wings or tails. They stuck out but gangs roam New York City, so it wasn't too rare to see a few biker gangs in Rhode island. Iruna ordered two cheese pizzas for Clara, two meat pizzas for Sabro, and bought a custom order of four pizzas for her and Alice. Since he usually eats what she eats.

Sabro carried out the pizza boxes and they headed out to find a place to stay the night. "When we get a place to rest. Can you copy human food too Clara?" She nodded her head. She pulled out a gun. "I can copy anything I see." "I fucking love you! We have to hit up all the shops here and in New York. We are going to bring back human cuisine to the netherworld!" She leaped up in the air extremely excited, they were curious about the food. There's just no way it's that good? Right?

(Savvy Luxury Apartments)

They got the top flat with their unlimited money. They sat down around the kitchen table and she retrieved porcelain plates from the cabinets. Sabro lifted her in the air with his tail. She was too short by herself. She set the table and they all looked at her attentively for permission to start eating. She took a bite of her four cheeses pizza with black olives, mushrooms, Jalapenos, & Italian meatballs. She dipped it into blue cheese and moaned softly with pleasure and extreme happiness. She looked their way after she chased the feeling of the food sliding down her throat with a fizzy coke. She swallowed everything and smiled big. "Eat up, we can always buy or make more." They all took their first bite into the hot cheesy pizza. The grease, sauce, flavor, and absolutely delicious four cheeses that they definitely don't have in the netherworld. It overwhelmed their taste's buds. It was just so good. They couldn't help but smile and cry. "The ingredients and stuff are made from scratch. That place was a family restaurant. In the human world. They usually have the best kind of food. Since they can't rely on corporations to save face, they are on their own in the world. But it all depends on their reputation. But I'll look up their rep online ahead of time. Fact checking before you order is important too." They looked at her as if she was highly intelligent and super smart. Which she is, much more than Iruma ever was.

They all devoured the pizza mercilessly and no piece was left behind. Iruna headed to one of the two bedrooms. She was exhausted. She walked straight towards the empty space. She created a huge bed with magic. She fell asleep the instant she hit the bed.

To be continued…

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