Volume 1 Chapter 4: The Human World!?

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Iruna brought out her special phone and said quickly. "Clara, can you create money too, like gold?" Clara looked at her as she created a huge bag of gold coins. "I owe you one." She nullified the demon contract with Kalego and rested her hand on Sabro's chest. "I hope this works." She tapped something in her phone. A huge explosion of hot electricity bursted out and a torrent of hot steam and smoke spiraled around where they were located. A giant Chinese dragon flew out of the smoke and flew without any wings to Cutthroat Valley. Alice, Clara, and Iruna rode on the back of a fully healed Sabro Sabnock.

Sabro Sabnock: (Deadlock) Golden scaled Chinese dragon with 8 legs. Has gold, copper, and Iron horns & spikes decorating his body. He can create any weapon he desires and at any size too. He doesn't need wings to fly. He has the ability to levitate using gravity magic. | His demon contract with Iruna has increased his strength, magical power, capacity, and increased his demon rank to Dalet (4).

The teacher's for Bablys went into shock over what just happened. Sabro saw the guardian in the distance. "A little more coins, please?" Clara held out two large bags of coins. Iruna bought a few small empty vials and then pocketed them. She then held out her hand in Alice's direction. "Can you hand me your badge real quick?" He set it down in her palm. She held out her phone. "Clara, can you pour all the gold you can on top of this device?" She nodded her head. She closed her eyes and waited for the sound of the purchase going through. She heard a ding. She threw the badge at Alice. The instant he caught it. He felt a burst of power rush over him. "I can only buy that once. I was supposed to be for me. But if you are the same rank as the teacher's. They can't boss you around. Except for Kalego and Dali. I would call my grandpa but I doubt he will help. He wants to devour me too." She ran towards the front of the dragon. They followed her. She grabbed one of his horns. "Sabro! Transform back into your normal form the moment we get inches away from making contact with the guardian!" He roared in agreement. "Guy's grab onto me." They both clung to her desperately. She bought the ability to communicate with the guardian via a phone call. "Hello? Yes, this is Iruma. Or well now it's Iruna. I really need your help with something…."

Sabro transformed back into his demon form and a portal appeared below them, just as they flew past the guardian. They landed roughly on a ship full of soldiers with guns. They were in American waters and on a navy base. Iruna felt so weak but the situation was getting worse in an entirely different way. Tons of humans rushed towards the aliens and the female young adult. She was 24 but looked young for her age. Sabro sprouted his wings and protected them from getting shot by the bullets. "What's the game plan, Iruna?" Sabro asked in between his winches of pain. He was being shot but not torn up. Demons were very strong in the presence of humanity? She was barely conscious. "I need you three to drink my blood that I have in these three vials. It will make sure you will remember our time together, no matter what happens. I might rewind time to the moment before I told Kalego my truth. In the new timeline. Only you three will remember the old timeline. Well besides me, of course. Time will form around your new rank and our familiar contract. The universe will place it into the timeline somewhere to make it fit." She felt her body get suddenly heavy. "I can't stay awake anymore. I'm so tired. All these people are soldiers. Just knock them out. Please don't kill unless you absolutely have to, I'm begging you…" She fell asleep on Clara's lap. "I'll look after Iruna-chi.." Clara pulled out a magical bubble shield. She pressed a button and they were surrounded by a glowing magical barrier. The bullets hit the shield but did no damage to it.

Alice and Sabro turned around only to be pelted by bullets. It slightly stung like getting a bug bite. "Melee combat, I guess?" Sabro said to Alice, questionably. "Our magic could easily kill them but she begged us to try not to kill. So let's try our best. You big brute." They both sprinted towards two huge groups of soldiers. The instant Sabro's clenched fist made contact with a guy's head. It combusted and their brain matter splattered all over his soldier friends. Alice kicked a human in the chest only for his organs and heart to explode from the inside out. They both watched as the dead human bodies hit the ground leaking crimson. They both felt super light weight and super strong. They felt like they could leap in the air with ease. Or even punch a hole in this metallic ship. They both looked each other's way and shrugged as they both gave up on holding back. There's just no way they could spare their lives. They were just too strong.

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