Chapter 54: The Baby

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Dr Davidson POV
18 years ago

“Excuse me.” I asked, approaching the two nurses who had left the room cautiously. “I know it is unorthodox but I was wondering if I could see… the baby before you take them away?” The two nurses turned around and one of them shook her head.

“I am sorry Dr Davidson, but we need to move DR3_G to get a medical examination.” The ravenette said. She was holding the baby without a single care for it.
“DR3…” I wasn’t exactly sure what was going to happen to them. “Can I at least see him or her?” I asked.

She shook her head. “We need to take him for an examination.” She continued.
“Well what about my wife?” I asked. “Is she alright… can I see her?”
The two dropped their gazes away from me. It didn’t fill me with any confidence and I was about to ask some more questions before someone stepped out of the door behind me.

“Dr Davidson… Richard…” He spoke solemnly. “Would I be able to speak with you for a moment?” The moment he had said my name in that tone, my heart just stopped. I could tell it wasn’t anything good, and I knew the only thing that the ‘not good thing’ could be.

Still I nodded, walking into the room cautiously and my fears were reassured the moment I saw a limp body on the medical bed. All of the staff in the room were now standing back in a silent respect. “Dr Davidson, I am sorry to inform you that your wife, Ashley Davidson, didn’t make it.” He said, his voice unwavering despite the world ending situation.

Tears began running down my cheeks and I backed out of the room with him trying to approach me. “Dr Davidson, please sit down for a moment. I understand that this is a lot to process but please.” I ignored him, shaking my head as tears began running over my face.

When I was back in the corridor I knew what I wanted to do. My face turned from streaked tears into a firm look of anger and annoyance, yet I didn’t say anything. “Doctor, perhaps we can get you something. Maybe a drink, or something to eat. We could give you a moment alone with her if you would like?”

Instead of answering I turned and ran down the hallway, following after the two nurses who had a minute head start. I sprinted, my feet thundering against the linoleum as I saw them up ahead of me. “Wait up!” I called, following the two of them as they carried the baby who had fallen silent. “Stop, please!”

Both of the nurses paused and turned to look at me, one of them was holding the baby wrapped up in the white blanket. I slowed from the sprint to just walking, smiling down at the baby before raising my head back up so that I would be able to meet the gaze of the two women.

“Is something wrong Dr Davidson?” One of the nurses asked. They obviously didn’t know what was going on. It didn’t seem that they were aware of what had happened to my wife, of what I had lost likely moments after they had left the room. For a few moments I didn’t say anything as I kept walking closer and closer before taking the baby out of their arms.

“Dr Davidson?” The black haired nurse was shocked. I ignored her though, not even being able to process her words as I carried the small baby away. “What is wrong Doctor?”
The other one continued. “You can’t take him! Doctor, we will have to call Schlatt!” I ignored them, carrying the baby who had stopped crying away.

I just walked with the baby through to my office, with the small boy looking up at me with wide innocent eyes, with him being completely unaware of the cruel world that he had been born into. And those eyes, they were the same bright, beautiful amber of my beloved wife, along with the soft pale skin.

When I was in the safety of my office I sat down at my seat. It was a shared office which my wife and I had begged Schlatt to let us have. Without looking at the boy I just hugged him and I sobbed. The baby cried alongside me, not knowing what was causing the distress but easily following after me.

“Hi.” I spoke softly to the infant. “I am so sorry for everything that we were going to put you through. My wife… your mother… it was her idea, but I’m sure if she got to look at you that she… she would love you as much as I already do.” The way he looked up at me, it seemed as though he had been able to understand what I was talking about.

I used the soft blanket wrapped around him, unwrapping it slightly and wiping the tears away from his eyes. A brief smile appeared on my face. “I want nothing more than to just be able to hold you.” My thumbs brushed over his cheeks, wiping away the tears which were staining a glistening against the lights.

The door to the office was thrown open and I gasped out before hugging the baby closer. I held him as though he would be killed if he was removed from my arms, which could be the case. As the baby grew content and quiet in my hug I glared over at the man who walked in. it was Schlatt, and he gave me a smile as he saw me.

“Hello Richard.” He smiled. “I heard about what happened and was wondering if you are okay?” I shrugged, just focusing on the baby who I was now brushing the cheek of with my finger. “Are you going to give DR3_G back?” I shook my head, muttering apologies as I continued to cradle the baby.

“Richard,“ The man signed, deciding not to be firm with me. He was talking as though he was a parent talking to a young child. “You signed a contract. Our company legally owns him.”
“Please.” I begged him, even though I wasn’t sure if he would listen to me or not. “I lost my wife because of this contract, because of this company, please…”

I didn't say what I wanted, in truth I didn’t know exactly what I wanted, I just looked down towards the infant in my hands. Schlatt sighed. “All of the other kids in the DR3 project so far have died.” He told me, firm and unwavering. “If you want to keep DR3_G then he will definitely die since we aren’t able to give him any medications he might need.”

“I don’t care.” I told him. “My wife died for this company, we have dedicated our lives to this place since we left highschool. I didn’t get to be with her in her last moments and he is the only one connected to her. She has no siblings and her mother lives too far away, at the very least let me keep him until he passes away, so I can be with someone before he dies.”

For a while Schlatt thought, and I lowered my gaze down to the baby who I began fussing over, then after who knows how long he spoke up. “Fine.” He nodded. “You can take him home, I’ll even give you a paid year off since you are right about your wife giving up her life for this company. Consider it as a formal apology for losing everything.”

Tears were still in my eyes as I looked at him. “You can keep DR3_G for as long as you want, or as long as he lives, feel free to bring him back here any time.” Although he was sounding dismissive and cruel I nodded thankfully. I hugged the baby closer to me and continued to mutter thanks.

“I just don’t expect him to last too long, the DR3 project has so far been a failure. I care about you Richard, I’ve known you for years, and I don’t want you to deal with the death of a baby in your care after just losing your wife.” Schlatt stood up. “I hope that you enjoy your year off.”
1399 words

Who do you think DR3_G could be?

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