Chapter 19: Sedated

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George POV.

The blond’s arm was draped limply over my shoulder as I struggled to carry him down the hall. My father walked in front of me with his head lowered. Despite the way that he was walking it was obvious that he was not doing it out because he was ashamed about something, but for some other reason.

It was difficult to think about that though, since I was carrying an unconcious person who weighed a lot more than me, who I was barely able to easily lift. “Did you and the Doctor really have to sedate him?” I asked, my brows furrowed as I felt the strained pressure on my shoulder.

My father glanced over at me before quickly looking away again. I wasn’t certain as to why but maybe it was guilt or something. “DR3_M gets violent whenever people at the lab including Dr Puffy try to give him any form of examination. Since you refused to let us restrain him this was the safest option.”

The way that my father was talking, and the tone that he was using annoyed me. I glared at him from behind. “Maybe he wouldn’t get violent if you didn’t raise him in a lab as an experiment.” I reminded him, before moving my focus away as I tried to navigate Dream’s limp body towards the exit.

Perhaps it was unfair of me to show as much hate towards my father as I did, because he had told me that he had nothing to do with what had happened with Dream. I just quickly began to feel protective over the blond, since he clearly didn’t have any family of his own to protect him in these sorts of situations.

He held the door open for me, still not saying anything. It led through to the entrance and I saw Niki sitting in her seat. She seemed to make a point of trying to keep her gaze away from mine, struggling to keep her eyes forward at the computer screen in front of her which showed an intense game of minesweeper in progress.

Before I was able to take a step through the reception there was a loud scream from somewhere in the lab behind me. I gasped and tensed up, especially when somehow the sedated Dream woke up completely alert and we both looked back towards where the sound came from.

“Let's go.” My father said, catching our attention again and causing us to look away from the hallway. “I will have to work late tonight because I’m taking both of you home first.” Then he sighed. “Plus, I need to think about what I want to organise for DR3_M if he is going to be coming to school with him.”

As I was about to start walking towards the front door of the lab, now thankfully without Dream leaning on me, someone bumped me from behind. With a protective snarl I was pulled towards Dream and I looked to see a man in a dark suit walking past. His eyes widened as he looked over at me.

“Oh, George. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” I turned to see my father’s boss. The guy who happened to own the lab.
“Hi Schlatt.” I smiled. Although I had only met him a few times, all the times that I had met him he was quite nice.

Now though, since I knew that he owned the place where Dream had been held captive I was more untrusting of him. The man’s gaze flickered over towards Dream before continuing to walk past us, moving to look towards my father.

“The results for DR3_M’s most recent examination a few minutes ago have already come through and I’ve looked over them. His heart rate especially is way up.” He stated, circling around in a similar way to how a predator would circle his prey. “Doctor, I want to remind you as to what I have said about nothing bad being allowed to happen to him.”

“I remember what you said, Sir.” My father responded, his gaze remaining down. “It was just a symptom of him being agitated, it’s completely normal.”
“And is it completely normal for him to be hanging around a school?” Schlatt asked, continuing to circle around my father, as though he was sizing the man up.

At his question I noticed the way that my father tensed, and NIki also tensed as she listened in to what was being said. “Sir… that’s because…”
My father was cut off. “What if an innocent person got hurt because DR3_M went rogue?” He asked. “Or what if someone realised what he is and tried to take him?”

“I assure you Schlatt that that won’t happen. George’s school is surrounded by woodlands, plus I had Niki pick them both up before they were spotted, so I was going to take them home right now.” My father then hesitated before adding. “Plus, having him around other people his own age could be beneficial.”

For a few minutes (they felt like minutes but were probably just seconds) there was nothing, Schlatt was pouring over what had been said and then he nodded. “Yes, fine, do whatever you think is best, but just remember what will happen if DR3_M gets damaged in any way.” My father nodded wordlessly, causing me to furrow my brows in confusion.

I wasn’t sure what he meant, what he implied when he told my father to remember what will happen. I didn’t ask anything though, not while Schlatt was here. Then my father’s boss looked over at me. “It was nice to see you George.” He smiled, as though he hadn’t been talking about me and Dream being hurt in some fashion mere moments prior.

“Yeah… same.” I muttered, it was extremely awkward and I looked away from him. When I finally looked back over he had walked off down a different hallway. My father was watching me with a sympathetic gaze, causing me to wonder even more what it was that Schlatt was talking about.

Without a word shared between us we walked outside, with me continuing to help Dream walk since he was somewhat struggling to stand upright. My father held the door open for me before beginning to walk to his usual parking spot. “You can help me with Dream,” I muttered out, only to have Dream let out a low growl at the idea of being near my father.

“Nevermind,” I muttered to the blond. He grumbled sleepily before we reached the car and I opened the back door for us. We both settled in and he allowed his head to fall onto my shoulder.
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