Chapter2: Awakening ( 1 )

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The discovery of the boy in the cryo tube sent shockwaves through the crew of the SS Prophet. They stood there, frozen in disbelief, and their hearts were filled with questions; How? Where? Why? Who? And when? For a moment they couldn't do anything but stare at the boy as if he held the key to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. After a moment of stunned silence passed, Hoseok took charge, snapping them out of their daze.

"Jimin, return to the ship and inform Seokjin. Tell him to prepare the med bay immediately. Tae, Joon, help me get this cryo tube back to the ship. Jungkook, stay here and monitor the other tubes," Hoseok ordered, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation.

As Jimin hurried back to the ship to relay the message to Seokjin, the rest of the crew sprang into action. With careful precision, they detached the cryo tube from its power source and began maneuvering it through the narrow corridors of the ancient ship. It was a cumbersome task, made more difficult by the weightlessness of space, but they were determined to get the boy back to their ship safely.

Meanwhile, Jungkook remained in the cryo room, his eyes darting nervously between the dormant figures in the other tubes. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him as he floated among the silent sleepers, their faces frozen in peaceful repose. Dead not asleep he thought. What had happened to them? Where and why were they travelling through the null sector? And why was this boy the only one still alive?He searched around frantically hoping that another one of these thousands of tubes held a living creature but to his dismay...
They were all dead - frozen in time and his heart was heavy with remorse
As he looked around and wept.
He, eventually said his farewell to the ship with dried tears glistening on his cheek and soberly left for his space ship without looking back , leaving the old ship as it was before, a permanent relic of the past, suspended in the echoes of eternity.


Back on the ship, Seokjin sprang into action as soon as he received Jimin's message. He quickly prepared the med bay, gathering the necessary equipment and supplies to treat the boy once he arrived. Despite his years of experience as a medic, Seokjin couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. This was unlike anything he had ever encountered before.

By the time Hoseok and the others returned to the ship with the cryo tube, Seokjin was ready and waiting for them in the med bay. Together, they carefully transferred the boy onto the examination table, where Seokjin immediately began assessing his condition.

"He's stable, but his vitals are weak," Seokjin reported, his brow furrowed in concern. "We need to get him warmed up and hydrated as soon as possible."

With practiced efficiency, the crew set to work, hooking up IV drips and monitoring the boy's vital signs closely. Hours passed in tense silence as they waited for any sign of improvement. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the boy began to stir.

Seokjin was the first to notice, his trained eye catching the subtle movements of the boy's eyelids fluttering open. "He's waking up!" Seokjin exclaimed, a note of excitement in his voice.


As Yoongi slowly drifted back into consciousness, he was immediately engulfed by a wave of excruciating pain that seemed to permeate every fiber of his being. Gripping him as though icy claws. It was as if his body had become a battleground for relentless agony, each movement sending shockwaves of torment through his frail form. He struggled to even draw breath, feeling the weight of his own existence pressing down on him like an insurmountable burden.

With each labored inhalation, Yoongi could feel his skin stretching taut over his aching muscles, the simple act of breathing becoming a Herculean task. A violent cough wracked his body, sending searing tendrils of pain coursing through his chest as though his very ribs were threatening to splinter under the strain. A feeble whimper escaped his parched lips, a pitiful testament to the overwhelming anguish that gripped him.

As he reluctantly blinked open his heavy eyelids, Yoongi was assaulted by a blinding brightness that seared his vision, each glare like a stab to his sensitive eyes, intensifying the throbbing ache behind his temples. Shapes loomed hazily above him, indistinct and blurred by the haze of his disorientation. He strained to make sense of the world around him, his senses dulled and muffled by the fog of his Awakening. His thoughts spiralling in a maelstrom of confusion and disbelief.

Gradually, a looming figure began to coalesce from the formless mass above him, drawing closer with each laborious heartbeat. Yoongi squinted through the haze, struggling to discern the features of the person who hovered over him, tending him and currently fussing over his sudden consciousness . His ears rang with the distant echo of a voice, its words muffled and distorted by the fog that clouded his consciousness.

As the figure drew nearer, its form gradually resolving into that of a man, Yoongi's furrowed brow knit in confusion at the unexpected sight before him. His mind struggled to process the surreal image that confronted him: a man with wings, their majestic span unfurling like a guardian angel poised at his bedside.

Through the haze of his confusion, Yoongi summoned the last vestiges of his strength, his voice a mere whisper as he struggled to articulate his thoughts. "...angel," he croaked hoarsely, his words barely audible above the dull thrum of his own heartbeat.

The man leaned in closer, his voice a gentle murmur as he sought to decipher Yoongi's fragmented utterance. "...angel?" he echoed, his tone laced with a note of inquiry.

But Yoongi's strength had all but deserted him, his consciousness slipping away once more as the darkness closed in around him, succumbing him once more to the abyss of unconsciousness.


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ILYSM fellow readers
Bye bye > 🦋

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