Chapter 20

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Ava knew her due date was a few weeks after the scheduled court date, and wasn't worried about going into early labor. She had stayed perfectly healthy for over eight months and went in for weekly checkups as did Dimitras. Dimitras, on the other hand, was due a few weeks before Ava, which meant she was due any day now.

She didn't realize just how close she was to meeting her soon-to-be born child until she woke up two mornings after the court hearing with her first contraction at 3 a.m. She woke up crying out from pain, Kai thought she may just be having another charlie horse so she quickly sat up and began to massage the woman's calves.

"No darling, call the doctor." Dimitras instructed between heavy pants as she gripped the sheets. Kai knew this was much more than a simple leg cramp when she saw the wet spot on their sheets between her wife's legs. She quickly reached for her phone and called the doctor and midwives, telling them that Dimitras had gone into labor. They were there within twenty minutes.

Kai was instructed to help Dimitras to her feet and walk with her around the room while they dressed the bed and prepared the monitors, drugs and medical supplies. Once they were finished setting up, Kai helped Dimitras change into a gown that was opened in the back and helped her back onto the bed.

The nurse started an IV, checked her dilation and began to monitor her vitals.

"Your readings are excellent ma'am, your cervix is dilated five centimeters. Your contractions are coming in normal patterns, about ten minutes apart." The nurse said. Dimitras smiled and nodded, this was a pleasant surprise compared to her last birth. Kai looked over and saw Onyx and Ava standing in the doorway. She went to them and told them what the nurse had said, and that she's still in her first stage of birth.

They asked if they could see her, and Kai happily obliged. Ava went to Dimitras and took her hand as she smiled at her, then leaned down to kiss her forehead. Dimitras smiled.

"Ava darling, you don't have to be here. I don't want you to worry, we don't need the both of us going into labor now do we?" Dimitras teased.

"Well you can't make me leave, I'd like to see you try." Ava said with a smile. Onyx sat on the edge of the bed and took Dimitras' hand. He was having a hard time making eye contact with her as he couldn't shake the feeling that this might be the last time he ever saw her. Dimitras couldn't read his mind but she knew what he was thinking.

She moved over and allowed Onyx to lay next to her. She wrapped her arm around him and rubbed his back, silently acknowledging his feelings which she knew were valid. Still, she made promises she knew she may not be able to keep, hoping to draw Onyx out of his thoughts.

"The nurse said everything is going perfectly. This could take a while darling, I don't want you to worry over nothing." Dimitras said to her son. He looked up at her and smiled softly, knowing she was right and that this was nothing like the stories they had told him about when she had given birth to him and he suddenly felt calm. Kai and Ava sat in two armchairs in the corner of the room. Kai smiled as she watched Onyx and Dimitras fall asleep together.

"Are you hungry?" Kai asked, looking over to Ava with a smile. She looked up at her and nodded with a small smile, feeling bad for having Kai fetch her something to eat. Kai smiled and kissed her on the head before going downstairs to the kitchen. She made four grilled cheese sandwiches and grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry. Before she made it upstairs, she heard a knock at the door. Her brow furrowed and she set the plates and chips down on the small round table next to the stairs.

When she answered the door, her expression immediately changed once she saw it was just the other three supremes who were staying at a hotel nearby.

"Mm hey daddy," Kira teased as she gave her hand to Kai to kiss. Kai rolled her eyes as she kissed her hand, then welcomed the other two in the same fashion as she allowed them into the house.

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