Chapter one ~Stupid net...~

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Marr's POV

I was always a little stupid, but this one really took the freaking cake on the stupidity level. I was stuck in a net, a mermaids sworn enemy and worst nightmare, filled with nothing but tales of horrific lives of slavery and sometimes worse. If it hadn't been completely my fault, I would blame this all on some cruel fate sent to me personally by the karma gods/universal powers.

My thoughts ended though when the net reached the surface and the net dropped down harshly onto the old fishing boat. I thrashed wildly, trying desperately to get back into the water that was I SO close to. I was stopped by a harsh German accent halting me in my tracks "NEIN! ITALY WE DO NOT KEEP WEIRD FISH THINGS AT MY HOUSE!"

A quick look around brought me face to face with a tall, muscular, blonde man; no doubt the german. Beside him was a wimpy-looking reddish/brown haired (boy?) who instantly identified himself as the Italian when he began begging the german. "B-BU-BUT DOITSU! IT'S A MERMAID! Can we please keep her! England has one!"

"ITALY! Zhe old bat does not have a maremaid! He iz crazy! We will release this weird fish thing back into the ocean and then leave your country and go back to my place for training" The german yelled back sternly, making me flinch in fear at this large man's angry words.

The men must have heard me struggling and the Italian came quietly over and began unwrapping my body from the net and gasped when he saw my large glassy eyes that looked like large blue marbles. I flinched again and he smiled gently, making me relax enough to smile, trying hard not to show my strange piranha teeth too much. "Shhh... senorita. I am Felli, this is Ludwig, my friend. Please don't be scared..."

I looked at the large german and then at the small Italian, contemplating what to do. I finally decided to speak, introducing my self. " Uhhhh... Hi, I am Marrila, call me Marr. I am 300 years old and uh, please don't eat me! I don't want to end up like the mermaids in Japan!" I ended quickly, trying not to sound too crazy.

Ludwig looked over to me incredulously his face conveying his total and utter disbelief. "IT really is a MERMAID?!!!!??" His eyes nearly popping out of his head as he looked over my more fishy than womanly figure.

I rolled my eyes, "Well I'm obviously not some weird 'fish thing'..."

"So Doitsu, can we please take her back to your place?" Felli asked hopefully, sounding a whole lot like the little kids that I sometimes talked to when I visited the coast.

Ludwig 'harumphed' before he begrudgingly replied, "Alright but you have to take care of her!"

I sat there horrified as I realized that I was going to FREAKING GERMANY! I started to whimper but they chose to ignore it as they stuck me in a tank obviously designed for a large amount of fish and put the heavy screen cover over the top, Ludwig looking coldly towards me as Felli looked at me with happy eyes. I had not expected this, but then I looked over to the german man and my instincts went into overdrive. A horrible realization hitting me square in the face. Ludwig was my soul mate! He hates me! oh gods of karma you must really hate me...

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