New People in Incorrect Quotes :D

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Sunickel: Guys it's a shooting star, let's make a wish! 

WeevilWood: I wish for good grades. 

Orangey: Nerd. 

WeevilWood: Nevermind, I wish upon the shooting star to fall down at a 30° velocity aiming for Orangey. :) 

Sunickel: WeevilWood...


Potato: Is Crystal always like this when they lose? 

Controller: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. 

Crystal: You bumped that table and you know it!


Potato: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. 

Orangey: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.


Crystal: Teal is a strings kid. We must sacrifice her to the band gods. 

Eevee: Yes. 

Octo: You're right. It'd be a good initiation for me. 

Teal: Wait, guys, what about the truce we signed- 

Eevee: What truce? 

Crystal: *sigh* The truce that we must destroy all the choir kids and leave the strings alone. 

Lemon: Wait, I'm a choir kid! 

Everyone else: *prepares for sacrifice*


*WeevilWood is in the kitchen and they hear a crash from the living room* 

WeevilWood, running into the living room: WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED HERE?!?! 

Eevee, looking at the broken TV screen and the remote on the floor: I was trying to throw the remote onto the TV stand! 

WeevilWood: And Osc Fan didn't stop you?! 

Eevee, pointing at a sleeping Osc Fan: She's been asleep for the past three hours. 

Crystal, walking in, oblivious to the situation: Hey guys- 

Crystal, realizing: Wait, is the TV broken? Why?! 

WeevilWood, pointing at Eevee: They threw the remote onto the TV stand. 

Crystal: Come on! That's the 5th time this week and it's 2 in the morning on a Tuesday! 

Osc Fan, waking up to see the situation: *yawns* How long was I out? 

Osc Fan, seeing the broken TV: OH GOSH NOT AGAIN! EEVEE, I TOLD YOU NOT TO! 

Eevee: You were asleep! And I always take a window of opportunity when I see it! 

WeevilWood and Crystal, in unison: But you broke the- 

Eevee: My work here is done. If anyone asks, I was never. *dashes out of the living room*


Eevee: We need a plan to beat them. 

A Book Of Random Stuff-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon