Chapter 6: The New Reiwa Dark Rider vs The Warrior of Love

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(Meanwhile in Arcana Heart's Universe, a certain Dark Rider is seen walking around as he sees a murderer shooting back at the police.)

Dread: (stern) Humans, naive as usual

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Dread: (stern) Humans, naive as usual.

(He walks towards them as he prepares to sacrifice a Repli Chemy Card.)


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(He then pulls out his Bloody AB and charges at three officers, slashing them. The murderer and five officers get shocked as Dread.)

Male Officer: (scared) WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?

Female Officer: (frightened) I don't know what it is.

Dread: People like you have no need to know my name, for I am the Grim Reaper

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Dread: People like you have no need to know my name, for I am the Grim Reaper.

(Dread then dashes at the murderer and slashes his throat. The five officers point their guns at him.)

Dread: That's what I hate about you. You're naive, all of you!

(He dashes at the three male officers, and stabs each of them in the chest before beheading them. He then walks towards the two female officers and beheads one of them as well. The second female Officer gets frightened.)

Female Officer 2: G-Get away from me, you monster!

Dread: No one tries to boss me around and lives. (grabs her neck) No one!

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