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The thrill of the music runs through me. I feel like myself at most when my ears are stinging and arms are aching, hitting and hitting again. I look up as a drop of sweat runs down my neck. I smirk and look at my fellow members playing their instruments as if they are in a trance. We're in our practice room, trying to perfect every single detail for our performance in three months. The college has this festival where everyone is able to amaze others with their hard work. It happens every six months and everyone's main focus is on it. You get graded for it too, but you have to perform in groups.

Hitting the hi-hats one last time, the bass slowly fades away.

"Shit man, we're fucking good!" Kirishima says as he puts his electric guitar down.

I frown at him, but can't help the small ounce of excitement. "Not good enough. Did you hear how you missed that one note? If you do that one more time, I'm throwing you out!"

"Can't you just be happy for once, Bakugou? We've almost nailed it man." Kaminari groans as he pats the other members on the back.

"Almost is not perfect. We have three months and if you fucks don't fix these mistakes, you're going to make a fool out of yourselves." I put my drumsticks down and stand up, wiping the sweat away with a towel.

"I know, but you have to admit. A few mistakes doesn't make the whole thing a mess. We performed well. We always have. Now come on, we need to close up and get to our lesson." Sero sighs and I want to hit my fist against the wall. He doesn't get it. I need to be the best. I am the best and they're holding me back. Since we're in a band and do most of our college projects together, I'm dependent on them and it annoys the shit out of me.

"Whatever." The rest follows me out of the door and locking it closed, we leave for our next class, Music History.

I'm top of the class, of course I am. Just hearing me play gets you on your knees crying for more. I'm the fucking best and those guys are slacking.

I'm a junior and we're in the last trimester. With the festival, our year ends.

I study music and major in Music History. My friend group consists of Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero. We share all our classes and as much as they annoy the fuck out of me, they're not so bad. I play the drums and sing from time to time if it's in our piece. Cause if there's one thing they can't do, it's singing. They sound like scraping on paper fo fucks sake. My voice is deep and raspy and of course perfect for our rock numbers. No one does it better than me.

I'm twenty-one, blonde with spiky hair and undercut, ripped, 6.3 and well honestly a sex machine and there are many who would agree with me. I was sixteen when I got my first tattoo and haven't stopped since then, so you can guess what my body looks like you pervert. Right now my newest fling is called Camie, she's pretty and admires me. What more do I need then someone who begs for me. She's annoying and so dependent on me like a dog and its owner. Whatever, she's a good fuck so that's that. I'm not out for real love anyway.

Our classrooms have a big lecture hall and I don't know most of the students, but they sure as hell know me.

Sitting down somewhere in the middle, I slack into the seat with the others already talking my ear off. "Oh shit did any of you do the essay?" Kaminari looks at us with a pleading look and I just ignore him. "Was there one...?" I slap Kirishima on the head. "You shits stupid or what. He gave us the assignment a month ago! Write it down or something next time. Except Sero and I you guys doomed." Of course I'm hot and seen as the ultimate bad boy, but I work hard and do so for each lesson. Sero is just a good, kind guy who always tries to help others and turns everything in on time.

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