Chapter Eighteen

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A month has passed since the USC days. It's November, and CESAFI and K's important event are approaching. She will be the USC representative for the College Division pageant. All universities in Cebu will compete in sports, talents, or pageantry. The Battle of the Bands will take place the last day. Since it's the opening ceremony, Miss CESAFI will be part of it on the first day, becoming the highlight of the event.

Nathalie was also the representative of Ateneo de Cebu for Miss CESAFI High School Division. That's how supportive our cousins are.

"Bruh, you're sweating. Loosen up!" I elbowed Hiroto. He's shaking his legs while his hands are on top of them.

"I can't help it. It's nerve-wracking! Aren't you nervous?" tanong pa nito.

"Nah, I'm good, and I know my girl will win," I said in a cool tone, habang sinasandal ang sarili sa upuan ko.

"So, you're telling me that I'm not confident in Nat's skills?" he frowned.

I laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Don't know, bruh! That's why take a chill pill." I smirked.

He just rolled his eyes and focused on the court. We're in the bleachers, and there are a lot of students. Since the opening started earlier, it's now time for the pageant. The high school division is first, and you can hear a lot of noise from different students cheering for their candidates.

"Tang ina, ang ganda ng Ateneo! Puta," we heard screams from the back. Hiro and I looked in that direction simultaneously, and it was a student from another school cheering.

I tapped Hiro on the shoulder because his jaw was clenching.

"Let them be," I whispered. 

On the other hand, our cousins had a tarp featuring Nat's pictorial during the pageant for social media posting. They waved it with cheers when Nat was called. We all cheered during the Q&A session for each candidate.

When it was Nat's turn, she was asked by one of the judges.

"Hi Miss Ateneo, here's my question for you. In your opinion, what role do sports and physical activities play in promoting overall well-being and unity within a community, and how would you encourage others to actively participate in such activities?"

The crowd went silent. I noticed Hiro clasping both of his hands. I sighed and shook my head.

"Thank you for the question. I believe that sports and physical activities are vital components of a healthy community, contributing not only to physical well-being but also fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie. Engaging in sports helps individuals develop discipline, teamwork, and resilience. To encourage active participation, I would initiate inclusive and diverse sports events that cater to various interests and skill levels. By highlighting the positive impact of physical activities on both physical and mental health, I hope to inspire everyone to join in, creating a stronger and more connected community. Thank you."

The crowd went uproar, especially the Ateneo bleachers. They waved their balloons and had drums.

"Bruh, my girl is so smart, tang ina!" Hiro said, shaking me.

I laughed. This guy might be crazy, but of course, I was confident in Nat's intelligence. She might be the beauty queen of our family. She's smart, witty, and pretty. No wonder her younger sibling is head over heels for her.

"Kalmahan mo bruh," I said to him because it seemed like he wanted to shout those words. He just laughed.

Now, it's the college division's turn to compete. When I saw Karina walking around the court, I couldn't help but cheer while standing.

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