Shadow on my Soul

Start from the beginning

As I ascended the stairs, and I couldn't help but feel bad that Silas was down there alone, so I sent a text to Hades to keep him company while I napped.

I couldn't help but feel my anxieties  running through my body as I still try to regulate myself to calm down enough so I can nap. I took one of my low dosage melatonin's to help me sleep for a few hours seeing as my night terrors normally kept me awake at night.

I cuddled my weighted whale stuffed animal to my chest, and willed myself to sleep

Silas' POV

I smiled fondly at Paisley's back, I knew he needed a nap after hour long trip to the park. His agoraphobia skyrocketed at the park once he saw all the people there. I asked him if he wanted to leave, but he wanted to stay for Birch's sake.

That's one of the many things I love so much about him, he'll put all of his worries and fears aside just to make you happy. Even if the happy moment would only be fleeting, it's worth it to him, making others happy fulfills something deep within his core.

That's another thing that I love about all of the guys, they're all so different from each other and we came to find out later that we all fit together like perfect puzzle pieces.

I smiled fondly at Birch as I sit behind my desk to finish up some important paperwork and bills for the institution. It was easy enough to push his playpen into my office, it's soundproof so hopefully nobody will wake him up from his nap.

***** Time-skip brought to you by me not knowing what to write next ****

It's been a few hours since Birch woke up from his nap, after a quick change and a cuddle he went running off with Myka and Jewel.

I expect Hades to be close behind them, he was working in the office with me for a bit. He works part time in tech security and is fantastic with helping keep all of our records and everything up to date.

I quickly finished my last email and go to see what the others are doing, I find most of them are split between the kitchen and living room, hanging out a bit til Xavier was done making dinner.

I joined them and observed the chaos that was ensuing in the kitchen.

"If you don't stop eating the pasta, I swear Paris I'll get Silas on your ass!" Hades seethed.

I almost laughed at Paris' reply, "Jokes on you! I'd actually enjoy that!"

I laughed as I hugged Paris from behind and muttered in his ear, "Wanna quickie? Pretty sure we got time, baby."

Paris rolled his eyes and joked, "Aren't they all quickies?"

I gave him a lighthearted glare as I made a hickie on his throat and said, "There, perfect for everybody to see my mark on you." I stepped away from him, and almost saw him pout before he righted himself and was about to say something when we heart more clattering around in the dining room.

"Dinners ready!" Hades yelled as we heard the thundering of footsteps coming down the stairs and in from the living room.

"To be continued..." Paris muttered with a flirty wink, he's always been a big flirt. But he's been muting it down recently with innocent little Birch being added to our family.

"Maybe I'll show you how not quickie I can be..." I muttered against his lips as we shared a quick kiss then broke apart and left to join the others for dinner.

I laughed as I saw Birch happily sat on Hades lap, munching on garlic bread with red pasta sauce all over his face.

Paisley was trying in vain to get him to put on a bib to save his poor shirt from the red sauce, and Roman was playing with the noodles in front of Birch's face.

As I sat down for dinner I couldn't help but want to keep this family for forever.

I grimaced as I got another message on my phone from my brother, he's still in the mafia and wants a meeting to discuss details from the fallout after we saved Birch.

I know I burned some bridges there, and asked for favors when I knew I shouldn't of. I guess now's the time to pay up.

I took in a shakey breath as I replied to him, telling him to meet me at our place tomorrow. Thoughts were racing through my mind, I knew that I shouldn't of called upon my former contacts in the mafia. But what could I do?!

My little boy was missing and presumed dead, my other boyfriends were heartbroken and the police were next to no help in the situation.

I sighed as I felt a stress migraine forming in my brain, this situation was a mess that I hoped my brother would forgive.

That was wishful thinking, I knew he'd call upon my debt. I just hoped it'd be more time before I'd have to leave on whatever stupid mission my brother wanted me on.

But what can you do when your born to be a mafia king and left said throne for your hotheaded younger brother?

My answer is not much, I'm just hoping it's a small favor and not a big one. And by god, he's not getting his hands on Birch, he'd eat him alive.

Okay, bad joke, but I can't have any of my boys involved in this more than they are.

Hades could've gone to prison for hacking into official government systems to help find Birch.

And I know he was still upset over what happened with our father, but that asshole stole my baby and made my life a living hell when I was growing up.

He deserved everything he got, and then some.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this one, it gives more on the emotional health of Silas and goes into some of his insecurities and struggles he's been experiencing.

Also, I've really been thinking about doing a chapter on how Iris died and the days following that. Would you guys be interested in that? It sounds interesting to me, but it would be heartbreaking to write!

I do want to get more into Birch's school stuff, but lately they've been teaching him basic knowledge and I thought I'd make more sense for him to go slow with it and not rush into his schooling.

Anyways, any requests on future POV's or any lines or comments you want added? I'm up for adding just about anything!

Much love,
Sunny ☀️

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