Baking Disaster

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Roman's POV

I wake up next to Basil, all of us in our polyamorous relationship have what we call our perfect match. Mine has always been Basil, he may be a complete asshole at times but he is so adorable when he sleeps, that's if he can with his sleep insomnia.

I roll over and start thinking about how cute Birch was last night in his little space; after opening his extra gift from Silas, he instantly went into his headspace and was crawling around like an adorable little baby.

He looked so cute in his grinch onesie holding his Hello Kitty plush with all of his new things sprawled around him.

I think I'm gonna go raise a little day after Christmas hell! *insert evil laugh here*

I rush out of bed and pull on my new Harry Potter Slytherin onesie and some fuzzy socks; let's be honest, I'm a total Slytherin!

I rush out of bed and pull on my new Harry Potter Slytherin onesie and some fuzzy socks; let's be honest, I'm a total Slytherin!

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I walked down the hallway and into Myka's bedroom, god it's like a greenhouse on crack in here.

I easily was able to get him awake and we continued on to find the rest of our pranking cohorts!

We easily get Jewel and Birch awake and head into the kitchen to bake some cookies! I'm hungry and I need chocolate chip cookies to live, okay?!

We spend the next few hours baking without any interruptions, which isn't hard since we started at 3am.

I wince as I look at all the dirty bowls, whisks, and I'm pretty sure a pound of flour scattered around the kitchen in sloppy piles. There's burnt on chocolate on the baking pans and I'm pretty sure we ruined the cabinets with melted chocolate. Birch may or may not be licking the chocolate bowl and getting it all over himself.

Just as I'm about to announce that we need to clean up, I hear 4 distinct throats clearing. I look up to see Silas, Hades, Xavier, and Paisley not looking very impressed with our baking adventure.

"Roman! We told you your banned from the kitchen since last time you ruined the slow cooker and we had to fumigate half the house from the smoke!" Said Paisley in a not very impressed tone.

I knew there was only one way to get me out of a punishment and let's just say I'm gonna use it.

"But Pai! The baby's never baked before! And look how happy he is! He loves the chocolate!" I exclaimed. I knew Birch was everyone's soft spot, and he was just to adorable for me not to give him the chocolate bowl.

Silas almost winces when he sees all the chocolate the baby ate and when Birch sees him he gets so excited

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Silas almost winces when he sees all the chocolate the baby ate and when Birch sees him he gets so excited.

"Daddy! Daddy! Choco! Nummy!" Birch squeals in excitement.

Silas carefully scoops Birch up and sits him on his hip, I knew Birch was Silas' perfect match. It was like he had a missing piece, a daddy not having a little can be not just lonely but he had these caregiving tendencies that the rest of us didn't need or really want.

I know it sounds bad, but Xavier likes his space and hates it when we invade it too much, except for the baby. He loves it when Birch wakes him up by running into his bed and attacking him with tickles.

We adore this little boy, and he's definitely brought out the caregiving personalities in us that previously were not present.

And I kinda hate it whenever Silas tries to give me a bath, I prefer to have my alone time and it always just makes me feel weird whenever the boys try and take care of me like that.

I've always taken care of myself, I'm working on being a better boyfriend but it's a slow going process for me to open up like that.

"C'mon baby boy, let's get you in the bath with some nice warm jammies. Maybe you could sleep with daddy?" Silas says to the boy with love.

Birch squeals and says, "Bubbies! Wan toy too!"

Silas smiles at him and gives him a kiss on the forehead and says, "Of course baby, I think we have a new set of mermaid bath toys from Christmas. Now let's get you settled."

Silas walks out of the room, as I'm about to slip out Hades puts his hand around my throat and growls, "Where do you think your going, brat?"

I give him my innocent eyes and say, "To bed, amore?"

He smirks at me and says, "What about your punishment? We all know this was your idea. Now, let's go, kitten."

I blush at the nickname and walk around him, he tsks at me and says, "Kittens don't walk, they crawl. Now get to the punishment room before I loose my patience."

I start to get excited, I know Hades' punishments are not just for pain, but pleasure too. He is more on the master side than any of us and let's just say he's very creative with punishments.

I bite my lip as I get on my hands and knees, I look behind me to see Myka and Jewel cleaning the kitchen with Paisley and Xavier. I kinda feel bad about the mess, but Hades tsks me again and gives me a small slap to my bum to get me moving.

I swear I heard Myka giggle at me for my oncoming punishment and we all know I'm a masocist so this is going to be interesting.

I squeak as I start moving to the punishment room, not knowing what Hades has in store for me.

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