Lost. But Now Found

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Silas POV

I smiled as I looked at Birch across from my desk as I tested him with my cards. Yes, it is a simple way to test for his unbiased wants, but sometimes the simplest of ways can give you the best results.

After that he went under the serum, which is a biochemical agent that can read your DNA and tell us through technology what your classification is.

It was created by a famous doctor by the name of Samuel Heimracher. He is well known in this world of ours and his grandson is actually a close friend of mine, he's a daddy dom and he has a little boy with his husband.

I can't help but think that him and Birch would be good friends.

Littles are so rare in our world now, almost nonexistent. So when we found Birch, and I saw how naturally innocent and childlike he was... I couldn't help but hope that he could be our little boy.

Birch was currently perched on my lap, chewing on my shirt collar after he woke up from his serum induced nap.

I ran my fingers through his curls, he could really use a bath. I'm not sure how long it's been since he had one and his hair was getting greasy.

"Hey baby, you wanna bath with bubbles? I could call one of the boys to help you." I cooed in his ear.

He whined at first, but then ended up agreeing.

Good, I was really behind on paperwork and needed to finish a good amount of it. I can't slack, or the government or the boys families could suspect something's wrong here. My soul would literally die if one of them were taken away from us.

"Wan' papa!" Birch exclaimed. Right next to my ear, might I add.

I patted his bottom as we started walking through the halls, I literally had no idea which one he labeled as papa, but we would definitely figure it out.

"Hey sweetie, no yellin', got it bubs?" I said in a slightly stern manner, I didn't want to scare him. Just teach him some manners, I really didn't think his father would've bothered doing so. Birch is polite when he's big, but he gets very excited in his headspace which we're all very happy about.

He whined and looked at me with teary eyes, which I immediately felt bad at what I said, maybe I should be more careful with the way I act around him, just for now.

"It's okay sweetie, your perfect. Your yellin' in daddy's ear just hurt his ear for a minute." I said as I rubbed his back as we made it to the main living room that the boys normally hung around in.

I was startled as we walked into the living room, and Birch kissed my ear and mumbled, "Sowwy, daddy. Nu hurt ear."

I blushed as I heard multiple awwees, and that's so cute from the boys.

"Alright baby, do you see papa in here?" I asked Birch as he scanned the room looking for his papa as he shook his head no.

I sighed and saw that Paisley and Arundelle weren't in here, same with Hades. So now we have three options for who his papa is.

That's just the more dominant members of our family, the more sub types like Malakai and Roman were out in the town we frequent. But I really didn't think they were his papa.

We climbed the stairs and heard some soft music coming out of Paisleys bedroom. He was most likely relaxing until he was ready to start making lunch.

Paisley wanted to become a chef and open his own restaurant one day, which we all wholeheartedly enjoyed the thought of, plus his cooking was delicious and I knew the public would love it.

I peeked into the bedroom after I knocked and heard him inviting us in.

Paisley was lounging in his hammock chair, reading a copy of Fairytale by Stephen King. Paisley loved reading and had a huge bookshelf full of his favorites.

He looked so cute and relaxed drinking his coffee and curled up in his blanket

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He looked so cute and relaxed drinking his coffee and curled up in his blanket. He removed his reading glasses and jumped up excited when he saw our little boy in my arms.

"Awwwe, it's my sweet baby boy! Do you wanna hang out with me baby? Maybe we could do some crafts!" Paisley exclaimed very excited to spend some time with him.

Birch looked at him with his big purple eyes and started crying saying, "Wan' papa!"

Paisley gave him a small smile and took him from my arms, bouncing him as he muttered, "Maybe later..."

I chuckled at that as we walked to Arundelle's room next, he was my next best option as Birch's papa. I wasn't too sure about Xavier or Hades being Birch's other main caregiver, since they both had anger disorders.

Don't get me wrong, they're amazing guys, but I feel like Birch needs a calmer dominant like Paisley, Arundelle or Paris.

But Paris isn't exactly a daddy, and I have absolutely no idea if he's into that. Now that would be a great conversation for me to have with the boys when Birch is napping or otherwise occupied.

I really don't want to hurt Birch's feelings if one of my more angry guys has an episode or if Paris' bipolar disorder gets triggered again.

We arrive at Arundelle's bedroom and go inside once we get invited in. He was sketching in one of his sketchbooks and listening to Evanescence.

He instantly turns off the music when he sees Birch in Paisleys arms and him rhythmically bouncing the now sniffling boy.

Birch senses the new presence and immediately looks at Arundelle and yells, "Papa! Wan' papa!" And makes grabby hands towards him.

Arundelle smiles and picks up Birch easily and sits with him on his bed, bouncing his knee in a soothing motion.

I'm so incredibly proud of Arundelle's progress, when we first met, he couldn't even shake someone's hand. And now, he's regularly giving us hugs and kisses on the cheek. And if that all he'll want, then I'm more than content giving him that.

"Awwwe, Lilla björnen, what's wrong?" Arundelle cooed in Birch's ear, which made him snuggle deeper into his chest.
(Translation: little bear)

Paisley and I sat on the bed with them, watching Birch and periodically running our fingers through his curls or giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Wan' papa gimme bath, daddy say I need bath." Birch whined in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'll give you a bath then nap okay?" Arundelle gave me a pointed look that said, do we need pull-ups?

I winced at that, he probably did with his little age being so young at 2-3 in headspace, and we didn't really have any little things around since we weren't completely positive that he'd be a little.

"You go bath Birch while I go get some items at the shops." Paisley said with a smile.

We all nodded in agreement and I went back to my paperwork in my office as Arundelle disappeared into his bathroom with Birch. I saw Paisley walking out of the house to the shops with Paris.


A.N. : I'm sorry that I haven't been updating recently, I recently had a death in my family and that has taken up all of my time and mental energy.

I hope you guys like this chapter and I have a good idea for the next one!

Much love,
Sunny ☀️

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