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I was in the living room, drawing on some paper that Hades gave me with some colored pencils that Jewel had in his room.

They want to do a shopping trip soon, but it makes my anxiety go haywire, but Sir said we can go out in little bits. My first pick for places to go is a park! I'm so excited, I've never been to one before and Jewel and Malakai were telling me how exciting they are!

After an hour of me being bored of watching a nature documentary on the rainforests, Paisley, Hades, Xavier, Arundelle and Sir walk into the room.

Which makes me nervous, seeing as they are the more dominant or rule affirming members of the household.

Arundelle picked me up off the floor and sat me in his lap, which made me whine. I dropped my pretty green pencil!

"It's okay, bubba. We're just gonna go over your rules with you for a few minutes." Arundelle said as he bounced me on his knee.

Wait... what rules? Like fathers rules?!

I started freaking out and thrashing in Arundelle's hold, he held me firm as he tried to calm me down.

"It's okay, Birch. We need you to calm down, can you do that for me, baby bear?" Paisley said to me as he rubbed my back as he sat next to me.

I was hyperventilating and shaking like a leaf, all of my bad memories crashed into my mind like a wave and played back like an old movie.

Every bad word ever said, every hit and punishment I received was played back to me like a nightmarish

I could feel my stomach clenching and before I could expel it, I felt a wet rag fall over my face. The coldness jolted me back into my true reality, and I immediately felt guilty over my overreaction.

"I'm s-sorry.... I.." I was wrapped in a big bear hug by all of the guys there with me, I felt safe til I became overwhelmed and Arundelle immediately picked up on it and said, "Oy! Piss off! Your crushing the baby with your lard asses!"

They laughed as they sat on the couch with me and
Sir looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm sorry about our miscommunication with the rules, but they need to be established before your classification truly takes effect in the next two weeks. At that point, you'll most likely most if the time, be in headspace and we need to prepare you for that."

I was shocked, there wasn't much information out there about Littles, they were so rare that it was thought that they were dying out.

Even some daddy/ mommy doms end up adopting a pet and treating them like a little because they're classification is the closest to that of a little. Some are diaper dependent and some aren't, it just depends on the person's preferences.

Of course they still treat them like a pet, but they also turn on cartoons and baby them and feed them like you would a little.

It can be incredibly hard not finding your perfect match, and I'm lucky enough to find the guys so early in my life. They make me so happy, I can't even imagine my life without them.

I nodded at sir and he gave me a smile and said, "Okay, princess, we're going to go over some rules for you. We can take off or add any that you think you may need, none of these are definite except a few. And we may need to add things like pull-ups if we find when your in your headspace, you have accidents. Sound okay?"

I sighed at the mention of pull-ups, but in all honesty if I needed them, they didn't sound so bad and they would help with a lot of embarrassment with accidents.

Slowly, I nodded my head and we read through the rules and then we put them on the fridge.

Birch's Rules

1.) Always come to Daddy/ Papa when feeling little.

2.) Try to eat what we give you, but if it's too much then tell us. No skipping meals

3.) Try to have at least 3 days a week when your little.

4.) No running, biting, screaming, scratching or any fighting in general.

5.) If we put a pull-up or diaper on you, only we can remove it. No naked babies!

6.) No wandering around town or the forest alone, always take one of the older boys with you

7.) No self harming, if you feel the urge to do so then get Silas immediately

8.) Once you are in school and well adjusted, do your homework each day

9.) Don't exceed your 3 hour screen time or light punishment will follow

10.) Keep up with your hygiene; brushing teeth, bath time, and laundry

Punishments and Rewards

Punishments can vary from timeout, no screen time, no sweets, stuffy jail, writing lines, etc.

Rewards are extra stuffies, more screen time, dessert or dinner of choice, fun outing day, etc.

Paris and I then spent some time baking some cookies and brownies for the guys when they got home from school. Roman may of stolen the whole plate of brownies and ran from the kitchen like the brownie thief he is!

Paris may or may not of chased after our little demon, but caught him after the brownies were completely demolished with a happy but very chocolate covered Roman smiling at us.

I feel so lucky, but I really wanted a brownie.

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