Hiking Adventure

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Birch's POV

I was so excited, today we're going hiking!

Okay, maybe it's not on a level 10 of excitement, but I think it's definitely a solid 7, which is good! Plus I get to see all the pretty butterflies and birds so that's a big plus!

But Hades is making me wear these big ugly hiking boots! I wanna walk on the grass in my barefoot glory! I want to feel the moss and grass and even mud in between my toes!

*Insert adorable angry kitten Birch here*

But apparently you have to wear these boots for safety of your feet and he went on for the better part of an hour telling me about all the bad things that can happen when you don't protect your feet.

I mostly zoned out through most of it, I'm pretty sure Roman did too since he had to listen to it too since he's never been hiking before either.

Roman says he's indoorsy, which I'm not sure what it means but he likes hanging out in his bedroom a lot, maybe he needs extra naps.

Daddy says I get grumpy when I don't have my naps, maybe we could have nap time together!

It still feels like a crime and unusual punishment for my poor tiny feet to be trapped in these torture devices but maybe Roman can help me free myself from the clutches of these horrible boots.

"C'mon babes, we gotta get going if we want to make it to the river in time for lunch." Malakai says to me as he finishes up lacing my shoes and making sure my shirt and pants were on right.

Okay, it only happened one time! I accidentally dressed myself backwards and Basil now won't let me hear the end of it!

So maybe it was more than once but I personally prefer wearing a hoodie backwards! It's like my own personal attached snack pouch!

Which daddy says I'm doing really good with eating! I eat two meals a day with everyone and a snack each day, it's more food then I've ever had so I'm happy with my progress!

We left the house with me holding hands with Malakai, it made me laugh seeing how much taller than me he was plus I loved his pretty smile! It made me so happy, plus his eyes reminded me of the chocolate buttons Jewel gives me when daddies not looking.

I'm so excited to see the rivers and wildlife around here! We left in a group with Xavier complaining about it being too hot for this but I'm sure we'll take breaks, so we'll be fine!

***** Time-skip due to laziness *****

Okay, I take it back, I don't like hiking anymore. I'm tired, my feet hurt, and I haven't seen a single bunny or butterfly at all today! Gasp, the horror!

"Roro and I want our nap, daddy!" I whined and pouted and said, "Me tired, want cuddles."

Roman looked at me perplexed then realization crossed his face then nodded his head real fast, just like the bobble head in Xavier's room!

"Yeah," Paris said, "Maybe we could take a break from hiking and rest for a bit then continue on to the waterfall in a bit?"

Daddy nodded his head as papa took out a blanket from his bag, laid it on the ground then put my kitty squish down as a pillow, I was so excited for nap!

I practically dove face first into my bestest friend, Rosie, and barely even felt daddy taking off my shoes as he laid down with Roman on top of his chest, with me cuddling papas tummy.

Me so comfy

**** Timeskip brought to you by Birch's adorable pout *****

I woke up to someone tickling me, I sat up with a screech and tackled Jewel to the ground, we laughed and chased each other around the small area we are in and quickly got back on the trail after papa made me go potty.

I got to pee in a bush, so exciting!

We made it to a small clearing off the trail and saw the most beautiful waterfall ever!  It was small, but so pretty! I wanna jump in it!

I was about to jump into the water when Arundelle picked me up by my armpits and said, "Oh no you don't, you little rascal! We need to have lunch then we'll play in the water, okay?"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I was about to jump into the water when Arundelle picked me up by my armpits and said, "Oh no you don't, you little rascal! We need to have lunch then we'll play in the water, okay?"

I nodded and let him clean my hands as we sat on the ground or on a blanket like me and Arundelle were, I think he doesn't like dirt or germs if I remember correctly but I could be wrong.

Arundelle was very thorough in cleaning my hands and removing my shoes and placing them in a plastic bag from his rucksack then doing the same for his.

I have no idea why he felt the need to do that instead of sitting them on the ground, but I wasn't complaining about being freed from the confines of those torture devices!

I was whining, I'm hungry, I wanted my yummy food! As long as Roman or Xavier aren't trying to cook, we're all good! Roman burns things and Xavier adds way too many seasonings!

Arundelle handed me my sandwich and packet of crisps, and I was a happy boy! I love the bbq flavored ones, or maybe the cheese? Probably both!

I happily ate my food and was ready to jump into the water, I can't wait to go exploring!

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