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Silas' POV

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Silas' POV

To say I was surprised when child protective services informed me of a small, malnourished boy who needed care to the extent he did, was jarring. The wounds on his body would've broken a full grown adult, and to meet him almost made me cry.

We didn't know he was gay until I had a meeting with the slime ball that is his father. He didn't even give two shits about the kid, he wanted him dead anyway.

He didn't even read the packets of papers I had him sign, and I snuck in a paper that relinquished his rights as his father. I never wanted this bag of trash to ever have any rights to this boy, and I hadn't even met him yet. But I was informed that he was still asleep in a coma like state from what him and his friend did to this kid.

I didn't care about what the kid looked like, I knew he would be perfect for us, even if he was crippled or had any maladies. We never care about any of that, some of my boys have physical scars or burns on their bodies from past traumas.

When I walked into his hospital room and saw the burn marks and bruises and fucking knife wounds, on his beautiful pale skin made me want to rage.

I couldn't help myself from brushing my fingertips against his unbruised cheek, marveling at the baby soft skin.

I sat down in the chair in the corner and couldn't help but think about my conversation with his father. That poor excuse of a human being was actually proud of the terrible things he had done to his son, he boasted about how he punished him.

Yes, I know what he did to him. He said he was trying to beat the gay right out of him, and I knew from experience that if I acted appalled at what he was saying, then I'd never get what I wanted which was his signatures on these documents.

So I put on the performance of my life, I acted like a church going bigoted asshole who wanted to sign Birch over to my church conversion camp. Which was obviously a lie, but we had all the fake documents and fliers and things for him to look through.

This fucker looked delighted when he was reading through the pamphlets and immediately signed Birch over to me, which was great for me and Birch.

I knew this kid needed a lot of time and safety to be healed from the inferno of hell that his father created for him to survive in.

I have seen so many of my boys going through things like this. Being ignored, abandoned, hated, beaten, burned, sold into sex slavery, verbally and emotionally abused, addicted to alcohol and drugs, sexual assault, and even one was raped.

All of my boys have been through there own personal inferno, and this was Birch's.

I felt so bad for the kid, but I knew if he had lived this long then he could survive anything. He's so strong, and I can't wait to give him the greatest happiness, the same goes for the rest of the boys.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the nurse opened the door. She looked at me and blushed.

Good god, please don't flirt with me. I'm gay, very gay and let's just say you don't do it for me, sweetie.

"How's he doing? What are the extant of his injuries? I'm his guardian so..." I said in a matter of fact tone.

She nodded and her long brown hair bobbed in her ponytail as she looked down on her tablet and walked over to the computer and was signing into various different medical programs and pulling up Birch's chart.

It was surprising seeing all of the tests that they had performed, ordered, and results they were still waiting on. I had no idea that Birch needed that much help. It just shows you how much he truly needs us, his new family.

"We'll, I'd say the easiest things Mr. Hastings is in need of are all his shots and vaccinations from the past 7 years as well as a GP doctor visit, a dental appointment, obstetrician visit, a mental health evaluation, and his submissive or dominant classification test." The nurse read off from the doctor's notes.

God, I had no idea he needed that much done, it wasn't a problem for me to set up any of those appointments. We have certain doctors that we go to that are more sympathetic to my boys and their maladies. Each one has something that they deal with on a daily basis, and having a doctor that can sympathize with that and be compassionate to that means more than words can express.

I nodded my head and said, "What of the more serious injuries?"

The thought of Birch in pain made me almost physically sick; the same goes for any of my boys but when one as small as Birch is sick and possibly left with scars that he'll carry with him for the rest of his life, it truly makes me question why some of the worst people in life are blessed with the purest of children.

I've always been protective, especially with my partner's. This is how I found out about being a dominant. It just made sense to me, and let's just say that I've had partners in the past that couldn't or wouldn't deal with that part of me. I've been broken in the past, but I learned how to properly choose those who need that personality trait in their significant other.

Most of my boys love it, others act like they hate it but secretly crave the whole power exchange we have. But if we have a problem we always talk about it, we never keep feelings bottled up for long. Doing that always leads to conflict and miscommunication problems.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when the nurse sighs and says, "He has first degree burns that need regular changing and a few special ointment and creams the doctor will prescribe for you at the pharmacy as well as a few prescriptions to pick up. Then he has on a rib brace that he needs to keep on for at least six weeks, and seeing as we took out his IV this morning he should be good to discharge once he wakes up. He surprisingly didn't puncture his lung with his broken ribs or anything like that. The boy is very lucky." She turns back around and says to call her if we need anything. She leaves and I know how busy nurses are and how understaffed the hospital is, so I let her go.

I couldn't help but feel angry at the situation, and sad at how all of this came about. I ended up sending a text to Hades about the new boy and most likely we'll be coming home late tonight or early in the morning.

All we could do is wait for him to wake up.... And having to tell him about his new reality. God, I wasn't looking forward to that conversation, but I knew I'll handle it just like I do everything else, with patience and compassion for what he's going through.

I smile at the small boy in the bed, his hair looks so blonde it's white and I can't see his eyes but I can imagine them being maybe a beautiful blue or a warm brown maybe. I smile as I run my fingers through his soft curls, feeling tired I lean my head against the wall and decide to take a small nap. That couldn't hurt, right?


Hey guys! It's your author again!

This chapter is brought to you by the fact my sister made me go hiking today. And I got super inspired by the nature, and I also had tons of time to think about my next chapters of this book.

I mean, what is it about myself that says, "outdoorsy " ? The answer is no. I'm definitely "indoorsy". 🤣

So anyway, we've been in the car a lot, so I've been writing chapters there. And I kinda thought later on in the book it would be funny if I did a chapter on Birch and the boys going on a hiking adventure and getting lost. Thoughts?

Anyways, I hope y'all have a great day, and go on an adventure!

Remember, Love is Love! 🏳️‍🌈

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