Are You Insane?

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“Guess who!” I looked up from my grading to see Carla walking into Mr. Clark’s classroom. His eyes lit up when he saw her and a smile spread across his face.

“Hey babe!” He brought her into a hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “What are you doing here?” she held up a brown paper bag.

“Came to have lunch with my loved one.” She giggled and it made me want to throw up. “Hey Riley! Sorry I didn’t know you were going to be here. I would have brought some for you.” I forced a smile and waved her off politely.

“It’s fine I already had lunch.” I went back to grading trying to be polite about ignoring her.

“Oh while I’ve got you. Blake told me to give this to you.” she handed me a small piece of paper with a number and address on it. Under it said ‘call or visit any time’. I smiled; it was about time he got a house. “So you will never guess who I saw at the hospital today.” I stopped and wondered why Carla was at the hospital in the first place. Then I noticed for the first time that she was wearing scrubs. Had she been wearing those the last time I saw her? Why hadn’t I noticed, I was pretty good with things like this.

Probably didn’t mean that much to me.

“Who?” Mr. Clark asked

“Johanna.” She sang. I saw Mr. Clark’s face go blank as he looked at her. Why did that name sound so familiar? There was a reason. I knew that name, it was important but why? Oh yeah! That was Mr. Clark’s sister’s name! No wonder he looked so upset.

“Is she okay?” he asked concern clear in his voice.

“Oh no she wasn’t there for anything bad.” She assured him. I could see the relief flood his face. “She just came for a check up.” he nodded and continued on doing whatever he was doing. “So Halloween is coming up soon!” she cheered. I rolled my eyes, she sounded just like Hannah. “Are you going to come to the Halloween party with me this year?”

“I’d rather not.” He grumbled. I bit my lip to prevent my self from laughing out loud. That would be really rude and I didn’t feel like getting bitched at.

“Why not?” she whined. “We can match and everything! You can dress up as superman and I can be your Lois Lane.”

“How is Lois Lane even a costume? Why would you want to go as her anyway?” leave it to Mr. Clark to completely miss the point.

“I think it would be a cute costume, and I love Lois Lane! She is super smart, the independent damsel in distress.”

“Nobody likes Lois Lane.” He grumbled.

“Everyone likes Lois Lane. Right Riley?” oh shit.


“See even Riley doesn’t like her.” Mr. Clark teased as he stuck his tongue out at Carla.

“Be honest Riley, don’t let him influence your opinion. What do you honestly think of Lois Lane?” oh no.

“Honestly?” she nodded encouraging me to go on. “I think Lois Lane is probably the stupidest person on the planet. I mean she spent every day with Clark Kent and still didn’t realize he was superman even after having his baby. She’s self-entitled, she whines a lot, and she thinks she knows everything, which just makes he look dumber. She annoys me.” Carla’s face fell and Mr. Clark started cracking up. I shrugged my shoulders at the glare she gave me and continued to grade papers.

“Who asked you anyway?” She mumbled. I rolled my eyes remembering how she urged me to tell her what I thought on the dumb character.

“See Riley gets it!” Mr. Clark laughed.

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