"Am I hearing this right? Your ex? The one you hate? Park Jimin? You're going on a date with Park Jimin?" Lisa scoffed, looking directly at Chaeyoung, scanning her body language.

"Its for work Lisa. We're on the same case." Legendary Rosè wouldn't share a case or ask her for a case. She's popular in the law industry because she started from scratch in a small Law firm and 2 years later, after rapid growth and change, she's still the same person, just promoted to Executive director.

"Who do you think you're kidding Park Chaeyoung? This isn't work. I know it. All I'm asking you is not to fall for this jerk again and take care of yourself. I'm hungry. Ses you later babes!" Lisa blew a flying kiss at Chaeyoung before continuing to walk on her way with Han.

"Han-ssi, by any chance do you have a girlfriend?" Lisa asked, fastening her seat belt at the back.

"I do not, ma'am." He was very formal.

"Oh please. Call me Lisa and I know for a fact that you aint fooling no one with that lie." Lisa laughed.

"I genuinely don't, ma'am." Han started the car.

"That's unbelievable. How old are you Han?" She suddenly switched to not using honorifcs and being casual.

"22 this year, ma'am."

"Woah. I really am old. I'm 25 year this year." Lisa smiled.

"Ahhh. I have a older brother who's also half 50 this year" Han seemed to be getting friendly after a while.

"Half 50? Wow thats a way to indirectly say I'm old." Lisa joked around.

The black car sped through the cold air of Mid-december in Seoul, the snow was starting to fall,views of some who were excited as couples and views of little kids outside with their parents could be seen by Lisa's window.

Nostalgia did hit her hard.

Sneaking out as a kid with Kim Mingyu, her first love. Not until his mom found out and Mingyu's mom forbid him from sneaking around.

Life was great. Until it all drastically fell one midnight. The deepest regret of Lisa's life.



Is young master home?" Lisa asked Maid Jung with a smile as she took off her itchy fur coat.

"Yes ma'am, he reached home at approximately 11 pm." She reported.

Getting used to this very formal culture of the Jeons was indeed very difficult. Back in her household of the Manobans, everyone was so informal and stuck together like family.

"What time is it now?!" Lisa's eyebrows darted up.

"Its...12.06 am right now ma'am."

"12 am? Shoot I'm dead meat!" Lisa muttered before opening the door to the room Jungkook was asleep in.

She took slow steps, one by one.

She didnt dare to switch on the light next to the closet room because she knew he was sensitive to light. That's one thing she learned very clearly.

She removed her clothing, one by one, although it was weird, it's not like he's going to get up and see her half naked.

Except, he did.

As soon as Lisa put her underwear on, she reached up to grab a satin night gown from the top shelf. This was an impossible task without the stool. But to find the stool she had to turn on the lights. She'd rather kill herself.

She suddenly remembered that she left her yesterday's night gown next to the night stand.

Although it was very weird to walk in her under garments, she had no choice. She tip toed step by step to the basket next to the nightstand.

As soon as she bent down down to grab the nightgown, her eye corner caught the sight of the empty bed.

Someone pulled her into a back hug.

This figure was hugging her, his nose burried at her nape. The life of lalisa past by her eyes before she realised she was still half naked, his hands were wrapped around her waist.

"Ah! You pervert!" She turned around and hit his chest with her curled fist.

Jungkook woke up from his dream suddenly. "What?! What ate you doing woman?" He exclaimed.

"What are you doing is the question!" She pointed at him, still half naked.

"What did I do?" He shouted at her.

To make things worse, the downstairs lights switched on, bodyguards rushing in. Jungkook did realise she was half naked, which was why he stood in front of her, Confirming that the situation wasn't that serious.

"I made one thing clear to you, and that was, you will never be in the arms of mine!" He shouted at her.

Instead of shutting out and being on the brink of tears, she shouted back, as she should've, always done.

"You're the one who hugged me you jerk!!" She screamed.

He was quiet, like he was speechless. Not sure whether it was because he realised that he was the one who hugged her or because she's the first person to shout back at him.


Heyyy! Late update but there you go! Thanks for waiting so patiently.

The Two of us : liskookWhere stories live. Discover now