Beiguang 💌🧸🍪

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Two Queens in a King Size Bed


Warnings: implied sex

Beidou POV:

The sea captain yawned and stirred, clutching onto the girl beside her as she buried her face further against her chest. She felt a comforting sensation as the Adeptus rubbed up and down her back with one hand, the other holding up a book.

The room was quiet, the only sounds being their breathing or the occasional turning of a page or shifting of the blankets. Sunlight poured in from the window on the side of the room, basking the girls' bodies in a warm, spring morning warmth. Beidou gave herself some time to wake up before kissing the center of her girlfriend's chest and looking up at her.

"Morning beautiful" she mumbled, smiling a little when Ninguang looked down at her, using her free hand to brush Beidou's dark hair away from her face.

"Good morning, my love, sleep well?" The other girl asked, her voice sweet as honey as she set her book down.

"Mhm" Beidou nodded and smirked a little, her gaze flicking from Ninguangs eyes, to her chest, and back up to meet her gaze. "I had a pretty cozy pillow"

The white haired girl scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'm sure you did"

The pirate grinned and squeezed the other girls waist playfully.

"And how about you? Sleep well?"

"Just fine, a little stiff albeit, but fine" Ninguang muttered and shook her head, rubbing her fingers through her girlfriend's hair.

"My bad" Beidou giggled, leaning into her lovers touch.

"You're right, it is your bad" The adpetus teased, leaning down and kissing the top of the captains head. When Beidou looked up, she could she the hickies scattered across her girlfriend neck, and she couldn't help but feel proud of herself. No need for coffee, just seeing it was all Beidou needed to keep energized for the day.

"Don't expect me to apologize though" The darker haired girl shrugged and smirked a little, kissing the spot on Ninguangs chest that was covered by part of her bra before sitting up. "Now, what do you want for breakfast? I'm not apologizing but I'll still treat you right"

Ningguang smiled, a rosy color painting itself across her cheeks.

"I don't know, eggs and bacon I suppose"

"Coffee or orange juice?"


"Consider it done my love" Beidou winked, pushing herself off the bed, grabbing her shorts and tank top from off the floor and putting them on, giving her girlfriend one last kiss before leaving the room and going to the kitchen to start cooking.

It didn't take too long to prepare everything, and soon enough Beidou was bringing her girlfriend her breakfast and coffee, setting it on a tray in front of her on the bed.

"I made you an omelette, you could use something to eat after last night" she flirted and kissed her girlfriend's forehead, making the other girl sigh and shake her head.

"You're unbearable... thank you..." she muttered, starting to eat her breakfast without another word.

"You're welcome baby" the pirate grinned starting to pick some of the clothes up off the floor and throw them into the laundry basket. "Need anything else from me?"

"Not at the moment" Ninguang said with a mouthful of food, making Beidou chuckle.

"Lemme know if you do want something" She offered, cleaning up the room a little as her girlfriend ate her breakfast. She put some finished books back on their respective shelves, cleaned up dirty clothes and tidied the desk a little bit, and by the time she was done with that, the Adeptus had finished her breakfast, so Beidou had cleared her place for her, putting the dishes away before coming back in and laying down with her again, peppering a few kisses across the other girls face, neck, shoulders and the top of her chest.

"Love you" Beidou hummed and she cozied up with her lover again.

"Love you too" Ninguang whispered, wrapping her arms around her partner and placing a kiss on the top of her head.

They spent the rest of the morning like that, cuddled up in each other's arms, it was peaceful, something where they would both relax and enjoy each other in silence on that lovely spring morning.


Shorter chapter but I might write about them again

Anyways, I think implied sex is the spiciest thing I've done in a while, but what did you guys think?

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