"Trust me pal,I sometimes wonder why are we even friends"

"Because we are both Omega's ? Also ,my brother is Omega ,you met him through Tinder but instead of dating him ,you fell in love with his circus friend"

"Hey ,rude!"

Seokjin sighs "Sorry .Jack is great.The greatest! So can you please ask him to eliminate me from this globe for seven business days? Pretty please?"
Seokjin sits up straight,whirring his chair as he slaps his hand together in a plea

Mark laughs,ruffling his hair "Oh sweetie,you know it doesn't work like that.Face your problems head on ,will you ? "

"Have you not met my family?"
Seokjin asks ,sarcasm dripping from his tongue

"I have.And that is why I am saying that you are an idiot.Why the hell will you lie about having a boyfriend.That too ,an Alpha! There are tons of Beta's out there"
Mark looks around the office ,it was lunch time so not much people were on the floor.

He ducks down to whisper "Beta's that will happily date you ! But you doof ,just had to dig your own grave and lie about having an Alpha boyfriend.Jesus,were you high on cocaine when you lied about that ?"

Seokjin flings his hand in air "I might be ! But that's in the past.The issue now is ,my parents think I have a boyfriend " he pauses "Have been fooled that I have a boyfriend for one whole frigging year"

Really,it wouldn't have happened if  Jimin hadn't suddenly showed up with Yoongi at the Christmas party.His parents were elated to meet Yoongi and had stared at Seokjin as if he had committed a crime.

But Seokjin was way too high up in his head ,all the Soju he had consumed had made his tongue slippery .And in order to not look pitiful in front of his little brother who hit a jackpot of an Alpha , Seokjin lied about having one too.

Yes,he lied about having a boyfriend.Seokjin havent been laid for almost two years (apart from his heats ofcourse) and he would have came clean about his lie if it wasn't for Jimin announcing his engagement,three fucking months later

Min Yoongi,that bastard.Couldnt he have waited a little to propose his brother?

"And I am flying back to Seoul in three days with a fake ass boyfriend that doesn't even exist.I am screwed"

Mark sighs , dragging a chair to settle beside him "Look pal.There's only one option now"

"Your boyfriend should make me disappear!"

"Not that you idiot"
Mark smacks him at the back of his head "What I am saying is ,you should start finding a boyfriend"

"And how exactly am I going to do that ? Do they deliver Alpha's at home now ?"

Mark rolls his eyes "You dumb bitch ,I am saying that you should look for a boyfriend on a hire kind of shit.That's the only choice you have.You have earned a lot of money ,throw some at a wannabe actor / hot body Alpha who will accompany you to Jeju as your better half"

"I told them I have a boyfriend,not husband"

"Same thing ,same thing "
Mark waves him off "Also ,have you tell them your boyfriend's name ?"

Seokjin covers his face "His name ,I told them it's John"

"Wow .Typical and so you"
Mark snorts "So ,we have a plan now.You will find a John and take him to Seoul"

"You make it sound so easy"
Seokjin groans "They are going to know something is wrong .Also ,I have to take a real Alpha ,with pheromones .I have never been with an Alpha"

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