A Fool - Nine

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Yo! We are almost back to present and soon this story is coming to an end. How is it by far?

Eunuch Yato watched Queen Naruto playing with the two fluffy balls while the tiny ones hopped around in all excitement. There weren't many times he could see a smile that reached Queen Naruto's eyes though they did not reveal sadness either.

'I think this is how you look when you are happy for real, Your Excellency.' Eunuch Yato thought while a flower bloomed in his heart because of the happiness of the one he had taken care of. Then he thought how it would have been if only King Sasuke had shared his queen's feelings. It is almost a year and somehow the one who had been chasing the king hadn't earned the love that should have been his. Though it was disheartening, he couldn't do anything as it was way above him.

'But I am glad there are times like this for you, Your Excellency.'

"Yato, how is the condition of court maid Shion?" Queen Naruto raised a question about the one who came crying in the morning and startled him and the young eunuch.

"She is coping with it, Your Excellency." Eunuch Yato said and thought about the one who bawled her eyes out because of being lied to.

"Love sure is complicated."

"... It sure is." Queen Naruto agreed with a small smile. If love was simple then he might not be here waiting for someone who won't reciprocate his love. He knew it was his choice but...

'If love wasn't complicated, my life would be much easier. And I might be able to... be on my way.'

                    King Sasuke walked along the road that he had been used to ever since the back palace was graced with a queen. However, the small smile on his lips disappeared as soon as he saw his queen accompanied by someone else, who seemed to be someone outside of the imperial palace. He wouldn't have thought of it as something if he didn't see the faint smile that graced his queen's face while the other one grinned heartily.

'You must be so immersed in your conversation with him that you didn't even notice me, my queen!' King Sasuke thought before turning his back on the two people though he would have done more right in capturing them red-handed. But that was something he didn't dare to do, in case, what he will be hearing won't be of his liking.

'Was he from your land?'

                     Queen Naruto who was summoned by the king approached the usual pavilion in the royal garden before the pair of golden brows twitched slightly. In the pavilion where he would almost every time meet His Majesty with consort Haruno, there was some other that he recognized who wasn't the head eunuch and court maids.

"Greetings to Your Excellency!" The three concubines greeted in unison where they were seated surrounding the king.

"Your Majesty, consort Haruno," Queen Naruto acknowledged the greeting of the concubines before greeting the other two. He wondered what had gotten into His Majesty that he let his future queen witness him being with someone else, no, a few others.

"Why are you standing there, Queen Naruto?" King Sasuke questioned his queen who stood by the entrance of the open pavilion after receiving a greeting back from the one sitting at another table.

"Take a seat and accompany us."

"... Yes, Your Majesty." Queen Naruto said before approaching the table of consort Haruno though there was a fur-padded cushion opposite of His Majesty. He thought the other wanted to be with those beauties and consort Haruno seemed to be a little troubled and lonely.

'I understand your pain, consort Haruno.'

"..." King Sasuke gritted his teeth when his queen chose to approach the other's table even though there was a vacant cushion prepared for him.

A Fool In The Title Of A Queen [SasuNaru] Where stories live. Discover now