7 (Matt and Wyatt)

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"Fuck Chloe, you're so fucking beautiful." I discard Chloe's ripped shirt on the floor and her breathing picks up further.

"Shut the hell up and kiss me." I smirk and bring my lips down to hers again.

We're interrupted by a phone ringing downstairs.

We both let out annoyed sighs and Chloe looks at me. What I wouldn't give to have her moaning my fucking name.


I run my hands down the side of Ellie and smirk.

"I finally have you right here. Right fucking here, under me. I've dreamed about this so many fucking times." She smirks back at me and pulls my head down to hers to crash her lips onto mine.

And of fucking course, we have to have the phone ringing downstairs to interrupt us. We both groan, annoyed and I look down at her.

She looks so fucking tempting. What I wouldn't do to have her under me while I fuck her like I've wanted to for so fucking long.


Chloe and I both walk downstairs, her having a shirt on now, and Ellie and Wyatt both get down here at the same time.

Wyatt reaches for the phone and answers it. He puts it on the receiver so that all of us can hear it.

"Hello?" Wyatt says.

"Yes. Is this the Holiday and/or Chamber's household?" An older males voice comes through on the receiver.

"Why the fuck would that concern you?" Wyatt sounds irritated. He got cock blocked. I can tell by the way Ellie's hair looks and her swollen lips. Now he's pissed.

"You sound just like Kole." I feel chills run down my back. Who the fuck is this dude?

"Look dude. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but never fucking call this house again." Wyatt is growing more and more angry by the second.

"No need for hostility. I don't know where Kole, Lillian, Caylee, and Walker are. But let them know that Herold called." Who the fuck is Herold?

All four of us look at each other, confused as fuck, and the call ends.

"Who in the actual fuck was that," Chloe speaks up.

Kiss Me (Second book to "You Should Kiss Me")Where stories live. Discover now