9 (Chloe)

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Ellie and I have both finally woken up due to the commotion going on around us. Aunt Lily has calmed down, and her whole attack has caused all of us to be on edge.

"That is your grandfather Wyatt," My mom says.

"Well fuck him." Aunt Lily scowls at him.

"Watch your fucking language." Wyatt rolls his eyes at his mom and she sighs sadly.

"Yes. We all four escaped from our parents because they threatened to cause us to be homeless and jobless. And I guess it's all happening again," Aunt Lily says while she looks down at the ground, her hands fidgeting around. I've never seen Mom, Dad, Aunt Lily, and Unce Walker so nervous and angry.

"If they have our home phone number, it's only a matter of time before they find out where we live. We all four decided we didn't want them to have anything to do with you two. We all didn't want you to have to deal with their ridicule the way we did." My dad casts his eyes to the ground angrily. His jaw tightens and untightens continuously.

"Well fuck all four of them. We don't want anything to do with them if they make you guys this upset," I pitch in.

All four parents look over at me and start to fidget around more.

"It's not that easy. They don't give a fuck what any of us want. They're going to do whatever the hell they want to do," Uncle Walker says.

"Well we have to do something. We have to hire lawyers or something!" I'm frantic by this point.

"I guess we could try since we aren't in our hometown anymore," My mom comments.

It's crazy how one second, life can be going oh so right. And in a matter of seconds it can be turned upside down. By people you should be able to trust. By your own family.

The phone rings and all 8 of us snap our heads towards it.

Mom shakily goes over to the phone, answers it, and puts it where all of us can hear what's being said.

"I know that none of you want anything to do with any of us. But you have to understand that Herold has gotten cancer. He have stage 4 lung cancer. The doctors aren't quite sure how he got it, but he's only been given a month at the most to live. We want you all to help with the funeral arrangements when he does pass." This time, it's a female voice on the other line.

Aunt Lily is the one to speak back to her. "You know that we can't do that Stacey. After everything that you four put us through, you just expect us to forget all of it?" I really haven't ever seen Aunt Lily so upset and worked up.

"I know Lillian. I know what we did was wrong. But your father needs you. All he's talked about the past year is meeting his grandchildren and seeing you and Kole again. Please find it in your heart to help." Stacey is begging at this point and I see sadness written all over Aunt Lily's face.

"You know what Stacey? You guys are shit ass parents. But I have to forgive you, even after everything. Not for your fucking benefit, but for mine. I have to forgive you guys so that I can move on and start to heal. Fuck you and Herold. But you know what? Chloe, Kole, Caylee, Wyatt, Walker, and I will be coming down there until he dies so that we can arrange this funeral and talk about rules. Because I'm taking my fucking life back." And after Aunt Lily is done talking, she ends the call, not giving Stacey, whoever that is, anytime to respond.

Kiss Me (Second book to "You Should Kiss Me")Where stories live. Discover now