Chapter 18 - The Awakened Form

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"You could have at least tried to wake me..." Elizabeth mumbled, moving her queen into position. "Check!"

"Well, Grace and the other maids are still wary about forcefully waking you up after the incident," the Duke teased, moving his king to safety.

"T-That was an accident!"

"Poor Grace! No doubt saw her life flash before her eyes when you pinned her down for the mere crime of trying to wake you!" the Duke teased further.

"I-It was an accident! I'm...not used to being awakened so gently from such a deep sleep. I panicked and—"

"You don't have to explain yourself again, Elizabeth. Grace is far from some frail woman. And she still comes to wake you, no? Albeit from a safe distance now, even if it means waiting until you're fully prepared to rise," the Duke chuckled.

"Well, my point still stands! You should have tried to wake me up!"

"It felt improper to intrude into a lady's chambers while she slept and unannounced. I wouldn't want to stumble upon something I couldn't unsee..."

"Didn't stop you before..." Elizabeth mumbled.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault! How was I supposed to know you and the others were all having a slumber party in Lilith's room, of all places?"

"So? Lilith is a lady, isn't she? Why can you barge into her room unannounced but hesitate to do the same just to wake me?"

"You know," the Duke chuckled, his grin growing, "if I didn't know any better, it almost sounds like you want me to barge into your room...unannounced."

"I'm not!" Elizabeth shouted. "T-That's not remotely the point of this conversation! Forget what I said—tell me again why Leah had to leave so suddenly?"

The Duke couldn't suppress a chuckle at Elizabeth's attempt to avoid his eyes, her embarrassment palpable as she concentrated intently on the chessboard. Yet, she stole glances at him. She'd found an odd delight in seeing the Duke's laughter—unfiltered by the masks he wore—although she wasn't thrilled that it came at her expense.

"The blizzard protecting my castle is quite odd," the Duke began, stifling his laughter. "I won't delve into the details now, but let's just say there was only a narrow window for Leah to depart safely, or else we'd have to forcibly open it or wait. With the High Mage exam in two weeks and the journey taking a similar amount of time, we couldn't delay. I do regret that you didn't have the chance to say goodbye, but—"

"Fine!" Elizabeth sighed, knowing he was right. "But when she returns, you better tell me the moment she's here!"

"And what if you're asleep?"

"Then wake me up!"

"Are you giving me consent to enter your room...unannounced?"

"Yes, yes! But don't phrase it like that! You sound like Lilith."

"Sorry," the Duke chuckled, "her mannerisms tend to rub off easily. Also, Elizabeth, checkmate!"

"What! No, I was winning!"

"You really should focus more on the game than....flirting," the Duke said, grinning while Elizabeth's checks grew rosy.

"Flirting! Who's flirting? I-I'm not flirting with you!"

Was I? Maybe... No. Oh... Maybe a little...

Great, Lilith is rubbing off on me now!

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