Hot Movers

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"Alright, steady, steady– Jake, hang on–"

They'd been moving things for 3 straight days and Evie could plainly hear them straining to move a giant bookcase from the living room into the moving truck. It was hell to move, something Evie was astutely aware of having moved several times herself, but it was even harder to move during a pandemic. Just a few days ago, the governor had announced several more deaths from the virus that had been very rapidly taking over the town. While she had helped with moving some small things, Josh would soon find out she was doing something and tell her to sit. He had Jake here to help and she needed to avoid him as best she could. So, Josh had planted her in the living room with a mask on while she watched the news.

It was really the only thing you could watch. Both in the literal and non-literal sense. The pandemic, though terrifying, was fascinating to watch unfold from the comfort of a sofa.

"COVID-19 is a serious threat to the health and livelihood of our state that must be treated seriously by Tennesseans so that we can slow the spread of this virus, keep our people healthy and get our lives back to normal as soon as possible." The Governor was on TV again for the hundredth time. Evie wondered if he was getting tired of making all these announcements. "Which is why I will be enacting a stay at home order for all citizens. All non-essential activities are to be put on hold. If you must be out, we strongly encourage it be for groceries or going to work. Do your part, stay apart!"

A soft sigh comes from behind her and Evie turns to see Josh is standing at the doorway, hands on his hips while his chest heaves in and out deeply. His twin was propped on the doorway and they were both sweating considerably. "I think we gave that bookcase a run for its money," Josh sighs out, wiping his face off, "Should be secure."

"No shit..." Jake huffed, "We still have your whole couch and bed to move."

They had tried and failed to get movers. Everyone was closing up shop and even then, Josh put his foot down, saying that was too many people for Evie to be around. For all of them to be around. They had an album that needed to be worked on. "You know, I could just sit outside while you guys move things if you want to bring in the rest of the Greta van Crew to pack up Josh's stuff," Evie said, "But you might have to do it in the cover of night."

Josh frowns, "What? Why?" Evie points to the TV with the remote, "They're enacting a stay at home order. Non-essential activities are banned."

Jake audibly groans from the doorway while Josh reads the text on the TV screen with squinted eyes. "God damn, this is the most inconvenient pandemic ever, I swear," he mutters under his breath.

"Well, pandemics aren't exactly convenient in the first place, dumbass," Jake snorted, "Can I at least come in for a second to get something to drink?"

"No, you stay in the doorway. I'll get you something," Josh barked back, turning heel quickly to go to the kitchen, leaving Evie to sit quietly with her possible future brother-in-law. He glances over at her with confusion in his eyes and Evie only offers a shrug. She wasn't sure what to say to Jake and apparently he didn't know what to say to her either. So, he stood quietly at the door and she sat on the couch, arms crossed over the backside. But before the silence could get too awkward, Josh appeared with yet another Olipop to give to his twin. "I guess you can come in," Josh said finally, "Just keep your masks on and the door open. I know we've been good at quarantining, but you never know."

Jake wastes no time in taking a seat in one of the smaller chairs just across the room from Evie, and stretches himself out in it. Evie could hear his joints cracking as he did so, a sigh of relief leaving his mouth. "I'm struggling not to take this mask off completely right now," he mumbled, his eyes shut tightly, "It's unbelievably stuffy."

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