Chapter 52

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Joseph led the group through the woods to the same location he showed Abigail just the day before. They entered the clearing where the sun was shining down directly onto the circle of logs. Stoddard lay Chwaer's body down off to the side. Out of respect he was careful not to let her head hit hard onto the ground. He put his hand beneath her head and gently let it rest. She might have been evil, but still she was Myrddin's sister. Jacob and Stoddard immediately collected small branches and kindling to build a pyre in the center of the logs. The others all sat on the logs facing different directions. Aberash, Joseph and Junius were all seemingly in deep meditation, their eyes closed tightly with fingers pressed against the sides of their foreheads, rocking slightly back and forth. In reality they were communicating with their clans back in their home regions.

Abigail walked around the circle slowly, looking closely at each of them, trying to interpret what they were communicating based on the look on their faces. Aberash had a broad smile, Joseph's expression indicated he might be having some difficulty trying to communicate with so many people at once, and Junius had a look of dismay across his face. Abigail rightly assumed he was communicating with the Draculs about the reality of who Chwaer was, what she plotted for so long, and the news about Lucia. She couldn't completely trust him – that would take a long time for her to build. But she felt pride for her uncle's willingness to try. She knew no matter how long it would take her to trust him, Junius would take longer to forgive himself for the role he played in so many deaths. In fact, he would need to be held accountable for his role eventually, but Chwaer's influence over him and the entire Dracul clan would need to be considered thoughtfully.

Junius was having hard conversations with those back home. They all felt a release at the moment of Chwaer's death. But the younger generation did not know her as the belittling grandmother. They never met her and only knew of her legendary status within the family. One person in particular was angry about her death and Junius' inability to prevent it – Junius' son, Costin. When he learned his father agreed to be a counselor to Abigail rather than killing her to become master himself, Costin ended their conversation. He was deeply disappointed in his father.

Abigail did not know what she should do during this time. She felt uncomfortable – members of the Order from around the world were hearing about her at that exact moment, and she was sitting on a log doing nothing. She opened the book to read some more – she did not know how long the communications would take.

When Jacob and Stoddard completed the pyre, they came back to Chwaer's body and carefully picked her up, Stoddard lifting her shoulders and Jacob lifting her legs. They gently placed her on the pyre and sat off to the side quietly awaiting further instructions.

After a few minutes, Aberash, Joseph and Junius completed their communications to their regions. They all stood and looked to Abigail. Abigail closed the book and tucked it under her arm. "Shall we?"

Jacob and Stoddard stood as well and they all gathered around Chwaer's pyre, with Abigail standing behind her head. Abigail asked, "Would anyone like to say anything?" She looked at Junius, assuming he might want to get some raw feelings off his chest. He looked back at her, shook his head side to side and then looked at the ground in front of him, his hands held together. He was too distracted by Costin's reaction to come up with anything to share about Chwaer.

Aberash broke the silence. "I'd like to say something." She gathered her thoughts for a moment and then began. "Chwaer Wyllt was a flawed person. History will surely remember her as an evil, manipulative, self-absorbed murderer. Those are certainly apt descriptions of her. Over the centuries she has wreaked havoc within, and outside of, the Order. She is directly responsible for the deaths of many. Yet, I believe we must also remember as evil as she was, her importance to our history is immeasurable. Were it not for the destruction for which Chwaer was responsible, we would not be here today fulfilling the prophecy of unification within the Order. Master Abigail would not be in this position, and it's quite possible the Order would be in disarray. There is meaning to everything that happens, even if we cannot see it in the moment. Chwaer's life, and in fact her death, show clearly how there is a greater plan. And let us not overlook the importance of how such an evil individual can be the sibling of one who brought us so much light and knowledge. There were never two closer individuals who were so vastly different, but both equally important from a historical perspective. I would like us to take this moment to reflect upon this."

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