Chapter 46

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Abigail and the Porters started on their way to the Sampson house. On most days, it was about a fifteen-minute walk. But the weather was so beautiful this day, Elizabeth recommended they take a more scenic route. Instead of going through town, they chose to go through the woods so they could enjoy the scent of the flowers in the breeze. Abigail was feeling so rejuvenated, so re-alive, it didn't bother her there would be less time today for learning because of their extended stroll. She lifted her face to the sun and basked in the warm sunlight. She felt light and airy, knowing she had much to do but feeling more confident now that the ancient book revealed itself to her. Today, and indeed the future, was bright. Abigail could not contain her joy with just her smile, it overtook her entire face. It was a Willa Sampson smile.

Joseph could not help but to be influenced by Abigail's good mood. He walked hand in hand with Elizabeth, exuding a smile that had been absent for some time. It was only six days since Millie's death and the Porters did not even start to mourn her properly. But the whirlwind of the past few days put their mourning on hold, there would be plenty of time for that later. Joseph realized when one can be part of something larger than themself, something with meaning, it can help soothe even the worst black mark on the soul. The gorgeous weather of the day was Mother Nature's way of showing them all how glorious life can be. Without the valleys of sadness there is no way to measure the mountains of happiness. Today promised to be a happy day. Soon, a new master would be inaugurated, offering the hope of unifying the Order. And Joseph already reached out to someone to help hasten the transfer of power. Hopefully, she received the message.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the Sampson house. Abigail was still smiling, but she stopped abruptly. Seeing her house again in the daylight took her by surprise. She didn't expect the sight to move her as much as it did. Memories flooded back to her – of playful times, of doing the chores while singing and reciting poetry with her mother, staring at her father in awe of his work ethic. She realized those were all the memories of a girl without a care in the world. She was no longer that girl. At this moment, she realized that along with mourning her parents, she would need to set aside time to mourn the loss of the life she knew. Just as Samuel once cried when leaving Coventry, not for the hope of his future, but because it was the end of the life he had known prior, Abigail would need to mourn the past while still being excited for her future. It would be opposite emotions living on either side of the timeline of her life and this dichotomy made her feel closer to her father. She finally understood how Samuel must have felt all those many years ago.

Joseph, noticing the sudden change in Abigail's demeanor, stepped in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Are you all right? This might be too much for you right now. Do you want to go back?" Elizabeth came to stand next to Abigail, with her arm around her shoulders offering support.

"No, no. It's fine. I... I just need a moment to take it all in. It's just so much, so fast."

Abigail slowly walked to the right side of the house, staring at it the entire time. Then she came back to the left side, her gaze never leaving the facade of the house.

She came back to where Joseph and Elizabeth were standing, patiently waiting for her. Abigail took in a deep breath, exhaled, and then looked at them both, "All right, I'm ready."

Joseph looked at her intently, "Are you sure? We can come back tomorrow."

"No, I'm sure. Let's go ahead."

Joseph nodded, smiled and stepped to the front door. "Allow me to announce you," he said while grasping the doorknob trying to lighten the mood. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the next Master of the Order of the Wick, Abigail Samson." He opened the door and stepped inside to hold the door for her, trying to make the moment as special as possible.

Abigail smiled but paused again. This was the first time she heard, or thought of herself, as a Samson instead of a Sampson. Joseph was correct to call her that, after all she was the daughter of Rennik Samson. It's just something she hadn't considered yet, and it took her aback. It brought to the fore her direct lineage to Samson and Delilah. The thought of her bloodline being so ancient and remarkable took her breath away. She quickly regained her composure and stepped inside the house with Elizabeth following behind her.

When all three were inside, Joseph closed the door. They all took a deep breath and looked around. From a chair almost hidden on the far left side of the room they heard a familiar voice, "Well, it's about time. I've been expecting you."

Abigail's knees buckled, but luckily Joseph caught her before she fell to the floor.


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