Chapter 43

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Abigail and Joseph arrived back at the Porter home just in time for dinner. Elizabeth was in the middle of preparing a chicken for the three of them. They did not eat meat often, but Abigail went through so much over the past few days and Elizabeth felt having a hearty dinner and a good night's sleep would be beneficial for the girl, and indeed all of them. It was not lost on her that perhaps a full belly might also help dispel any potential suspicion.

They walked in the door and immediately felt the warmth of the bird cooking in the oven and the distinctive scent of the spices cooking into the skin. "That smells delicious," Joseph enthusiastically exclaimed. "A nice chicken dinner is exactly what we all need. Thank you, Elizabeth."

Abigail joined in, "Yes, it smells wonderful. Thank you so much for preparing such a delightful meal."

"It's my pleasure," Elizabeth replied. "I thought we all could use a nice dinner and a good night's sleep. Abigail, how are your friends?"

Abigail remembered the excuse Joseph invented for them to leave the house. "Oh, they're fine, thank you. Everyone is still getting over the shock of Millie's death. She was a friend to all."

"Oh, that's sweet of you to say," Elizabeth replied. "It will take a while for us to come to terms with her loss and what Tobias did to us all. Thankfully, Abigail, you've brought us some justice." Elizabeth dried her hands on her apron which was tied around her waist and approached Abigail for a hug. She put her arms tightly around the girl, first around her back and then up to embrace Abigail's head, with both of her hands feeling around Abigail's hair, as if she were looking for something.

Joseph paid no attention to the hug, it seemed rather normal to him. But for Abigail it was something altogether different. Mrs. Porter never hugged her before, that alone was odd. But the way she was clutching Abigail's head, like she was searching for something in Abigail's hair – or worse, trying to see what Abigail's hair felt like. Should she worry, or should she give Mrs. Porter the benefit of the doubt?

She remembered back to Millie's funeral, when Will gave Tobias the benefit of the doubt for not attending. Look where that got Will. In all the disarray of the last few days, Abigail almost forgot about him. It had been some time since she thought about Will – at least a few hours, she couldn't be sure. She missed him again, deeply. She could use his logic and reason right about now to help her think through her next steps, but she knew Will wouldn't understand, nor approve of, the new life into which Abigail was flung.

She needed to figure out if Junius was still alive or not, discover what was really going on with Elizabeth Porter, and most of all she needed to figure out how to call a global coven so the Order could inaugurate her as Master, preventing Junius from taking the role. That alone was a tall enough order, but in addition, she needed to learn how to be the Master. She got lost in her thoughts and anxiety. Once she realized she drifted off to some other place, she immediately forced herself back into the here and now.

She realized she was still in Mrs. Porter's embrace. She put her arms around Mrs. Porter as Mrs. Porter whispered in her ear, "We will always be here for you – always."

"Thank you. That means a lot to me," Abigail replied as she pulled herself away from Mrs. Porter's clutch.

Mrs. Porter put her hands on the tops of Abigail's arms, not quite onto her shoulders, and smiled in a completely disarming way. "Oh, she is good," Abigail thought. "She is Willa Sampson good."

Joseph interrupted, "Abigail, would you like to continue your education while we wait for dinner?"

"I would, but I'm so tired. I'm not sure how much I would remember. Could we do it tomorrow?"

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