Chapter 24

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Samuel paced around the house, sweating more than usual, trying to determine his next move. He needed to think quickly, but he needed to be careful – two concepts which rarely work in unison. The plans he and Willa put in place were no longer relevant. The contingencies they thought covered all possible inevitabilities were now moot. They never imagined a scenario where Abigail's powers would be on display for all to see, especially with her not even knowing she possessed them. Joseph would be there in a matter of minutes. What could Samuel explain to Abigail in the next few minutes, and how would she react in her current state of mind?

Abigail was still in shock and not able to comprehend much of the situation. She was aware her father felt panic about something, but she was too emotionally spent from the events of the past few days to process much. She was looking forward to the end of the day. An end that would allow her time to be alone with her thoughts and to think about her mother and to mourn privately. But the situation would not allow for that.

Suddenly there was someone at the door, knocking with three rapid raps. "Samuel, it's me, Joseph." Samuel swooped to the door and opened it. "Come in, quickly." Joseph entered and Samuel shut the door immediately behind him, making sure he secured the lock.

"Samuel, how did she do it? I thought you haven't taught her yet."

"There's not time for that now, Joseph. Junius is here. I must confront him – now. I need you to stay with Abigail. Protect her at any cost. I will protect the house once I leave, but there's no way to know if Junius might send others while I'm gone. Do you understand?"

Joseph was stunned and looked away. "Junius... is here? But who?"

"It's Tobias. I didn't know for sure until tonight. But now I know it's him. He was the only other one who saw the torrent and realized she created it. And..." He paused as the memories flooded back. "I'll never forget that smile."

Joseph looked back at Samuel and said defiantly, "That bastard killed my daughter. Yes, of course. I will protect Abigail with my life, Samuel. You go. Do what you must."

"Good. Thank you, Joseph. I know you understand what's at stake. There's one other thing. I'm sorry to ask this of you, but there is no time to waste. I know now Willa was right – we should have educated Abigail long ago, but I would not allow it. Her education must begin tonight. Can you start her teachings while I'm gone?"

Joseph did not know how to respond. Of course, he would do whatever Samuel asked, especially to protect the bloodline. But he never educated anyone before – especially not a pure blood. He did not think he was up to the task. But these were desperate times, and Samuel urgently needed him.

"I'll do my best, Samuel."

Samuel put his hands on Joseph's shoulders and smiled as best he could, considering the stress he was under. He exhaled. "I know you will. Thank you, Joseph." Samuel went to Abigail, still sitting in her chair staring off into the distance, even though there was no distance to stare into.

"I must leave you for a little while. Mr. Porter will stay here with you and he will explain many things to you. I need you to listen to him very carefully." Samuel said those last two words slowly for emphasis. "Get something to eat so you have the strength to understand his words. Your life is going to change tonight in ways you cannot imagine."

Then Samuel did something he never did before. He put his open palms onto Abigail's cheeks, held her face tenderly, and put his eyes close to hers. "Abi, I love you very much. Always remember that." Then Samuel gently kissed Abigail's forehead. He stood, looked back at Joseph and nodded, and then exited the house, leaving Abigail comforted, but bewildered.

Once hidden safely in the trees, Samuel stopped and turned back toward the house. He firmly clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and lowered his arms so they formed a circle with his body. He thought about Junius. Samuel felt raw anger and hatred rising from his toes. By the time it reached his chest, his energy became great, and it was flowing through his arms and around through his body at immense speed. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and a beam of light shot forth from his hands and raced toward his house. The power of the bolt jolted Samuel back a step or two, but quickly he could regain his balance and focus the beam. Once the beam hit the house, it expanded out in all directions, completely enveloping the structure in an orange haze. The exterior glowed momentarily and then stopped, with just an afterglow of burning dust particles falling to the ground around the house, like the first light dusting of snow in late autumn. He unclasped his hands and put them down by his sides, satisfied. "That should protect them," he said as he turned and started running toward Tobias' home.


Joseph did not know how long Samuel would be away. And he was unsure of how to begin Abigail's education. "Are you hungry?" he asked, mostly to stall for time.

"Yes, I am," she replied. "I'll fix myself something to eat. Would you like something too?" she asked Mr. Porter.

"No, thank you," he said, pleased he would have a few moments to gather his thoughts. Abigail stood and went to the kitchen. She grabbed some bread and the butter along with a butter knife. She sat at the table and spread the butter on a piece of bread, expecting Mr. Porter to explain something about how good a woman her mother was and how missed she will be. And while it was true she was about to learn new things about both of her parents, there was no preparing her for what she was about to discover.

Mr. Porter stopped pacing and drew in a long, deep breath. He slowly exhaled all his air, as if he were about to tell someone terrible news.

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