Chapter 33

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Abigail and Rennik appeared in the Porter's main room. Elizabeth did not see them materialize – she was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes from the day so her back was turned to them.

"Mrs. Porter," Abigail said gently not wanting to startle her.

The sudden voice from an unexpected guest nearly gave Elizabeth a heart attack. She jumped in the air and screamed. She turned to face Abigail with her right hand now covering her heart from the fear. "My dear. You mustn't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry ma'am. This is urgent. Mr. Porter asked me to tell you we need Plan Three A."

Her fear turned into nervous seriousness. "Really? Three A? Are you certain that is what he said?"

"Yes ma'am."

Elizabeth ran to their bedroom as fast as she could and came back carrying a small black bag. Abigail was helping Rennik sit down in a chair at their table. He needed to lean against it to help prop himself up.

"And who do we have here? Who is this mystery man we're helping tonight?"

"Oh, that's right. You're in the same position I am," Abigail said.

"Based on what I've seen tonight, I highly doubt that, dear."

"You will not believe this, so don't even bother trying. This is my father. The man you knew as Samuel Sampson was not real. It was a costume. This is Rennik Samson – he is my true father."

Elizabeth's face almost turned gray from the shock. Abigail commiserated with Mrs. Porter and said, "I know. It's unbelievable, isn't it?"

"Not at all, Abigail," Mrs. Porter responded. "Not after what I've seen tonight. I'm just shocked I finally have met the Rennik I've heard so much about over the years. And to think I've known you all along."

Elizabeth was buzzing through the black bag. "Three A... Three A.... I need the herbs... the mushrooms... and the hair."

She pulled various ingredients out of the bag, along with a paper with written instructions upon it, almost like it contained several recipes. Even though she was rushing to get everything together, she appeared to be quite calm. When most people would need to prevent their hands from trembling under the pressure, hers were completely serene, seemingly at peace with the task they were undertaking.

"Rennik, it really is a pleasure to meet you. I wish it was under different circumstances, though."

Rennik grimaced in pain. "Elizabeth, I might look different but it's still me. Samuel was a part of who I am. You've known me all these years."

Elizabeth leaned backward in her chair and turned to Abigail. "Be a dear and grab a wet towel. Then carefully wipe the blood and dirt from your father's face." Abigail obediently complied, coming back to dab Rennik's face lightly to not cause him any undue discomfort.

"Now Rennik, show me that wound on your stomach."

For the first time, he removed his hand from his right side. His hand became somewhat stuck to the skin and the act of pulling it off seemed to cause even more pain for him, like he was separating skin which grew attached. It was the first time Abigail could see how badly hurt he really was.

Elizabeth did her best not to show any reaction. But what she saw appalled and disgusted her. "Well, that must hurt a good bit," she said.

"Abigail, go out in the front and gather some dirt from the yard in that bucket." Elizabeth motioned to a bucket sitting by the front door. "Bring it in and add some water from the basin to it. We need the mud to pack onto the wound."

While Abigail was performing the chore, Elizabeth started mixing the various herbs and mushrooms together with a mortar and pestle, based on what she was reading on the instructions. Soon the mixture became a paste, and a foul smelling one at that.

"Let's see," she said out loud but to herself as she was reading the directions. "Mix the items together until they form a paste. Done. Place the hair around the edge of the wound, careful to ensure no hair actually gets into the wound itself." She looked into his face, "Rennik, I do not know if this is going to hurt or not."

He winced in pain even before she reached over. "I'm fine," he told her in a tense and pained voice.

Elizabeth carefully placed the hair along the edge of Rennik's wound. The hole in his body was too large for just one strand, so she reached back into the bag to grab another. Together, the strands now encircled Rennik's injury. Elizabeth beckoned to Abigail, "How are you coming with the mud?"

Abigail was coming back into the house with the bucket of dirt when Joseph ran up. He was sweating profusely and very much out of breath. Abigail was so involved in caring for Rennik she didn't notice Joseph arrived ten minutes later than he reasonably should have.

Joseph slowed his pace to a walk in order to catch his breath. His hands were on his hips as he struggling to get back to normal breathing. "How is Rennik?"

"I think he's in a lot of pain. His wound looks bad. Mrs. Porter is..." Elizabeth cut her off calling her name, wondering what was taking so long.

"I'm sorry Mr. Porter. I have to get this dirt inside so we can pack his wound with mud."

They both entered the house and Abigail immediately took the bucket to the water basin and poured some water in. She put her hands into the bucket to mix the mud. Abigail knew the best mudpack was thick, but not too thick – wet, but not too wet. She massaged the mud to the right consistency and then brought the bucket to Mrs. Porter.

Elizabeth continued reading out loud, "Take the mixture and pack it into the wound, as deep as possible. Then cover the wound, mixture and hair with mud to keep it in place." Without hesitation, Elizabeth scooped a large handful of the mushroom and herb mixture and spread it into the wound. Rennik buckled over in pain and gasped loudly. His face contorted to show just how much pain he was in. Elizabeth gooped another handful into the wound and then spread Abigail's mud over the entire area and tightly packed it in.

That was enough for Rennik. He nearly passed out from the pain and he needed to let his body rest, and hopefully heal. If he could hold on until sunrise, he could get outside and let the sun re-energize him. That would give his body the strength it needed to heal fully.

Joseph and Abigail helped Rennik move from the table over to a bed so he could be more comfortable, and also so the mud could lay flat on his wound to help with the healing.

Rennik was exhausted, but he felt an urgent need to impart as much information to Abigail as possible. He motioned for Joseph to join him. Joseph gently sat down on the edge of the bed, careful not to cause too much motion so he would not disturb Rennik.

In a whispering and pained voice, Rennik said, "We need to teach her as much as possible, as quickly as possible. Even though it goes against my better judgement, I think she needs to know exactly who she is, and exactly what her role within the Order will be. She needs to know who she can trust, and who she cannot. Can you help me with this?"

"Of course, Rennik. I will help any way you'd like."

"Joseph, I need to know you will always protect her as I would, no matter what."

"You have my word."

Joseph called for Abigail to join them and he asked Elizabeth to go to the other room. "We have important, private business to discuss with Abigail, darling. For your own protection you cannot know anything of it." Elizabeth understood and retired to the bedroom for the evening.

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