Chapter 42

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After Tobias' test, Abigail went back to the Porter's house with Joseph. He asked Elizabeth to give Abigail and himself a few minutes alone. Elizabeth obediently obliged and retired to the bedroom. Joseph got close enough to Abigail so he could whisper, "You did great today. You really did. But do you remember how a witch generates their power?"

"They put their hands together and build their emotions?"

"Yes, that's mostly correct. There is a lot more nuance, but that's basically right. Depending on how much energy they need to generate, based on what they want to do, they actually create a circular tunnel in their body for the energy to build speed. If they need to do something small, say to move a rock from one location to another, they don't need a lot of energy. They might only touch one or two fingers together. The energy flow would only be as thick as their finger. If they need to do something of moderate energy, they would touch three or four fingers together. This would generate a thicker flow of energy. Make sense?"

Abigail nodded.

"Good. So if a witch needed to do something taking a lot of energy, like using Belle, or embodying someone, they would place their palms together so the energy flow would be as thick as the full surface area of their palms, essentially as thick as their arms. The thicker the connection point is, the thicker the energy flow will be. Once the witch establishes the circular tunnel, the emotions fuel the energy and make it go faster and faster until it builds enough power to generate what the witch wants to do. This is all done quite intentionally while you are learning, but once you have it down, you never have to think about it again – it's just a habit. Just remember the diameter of the energy flow matters and since the energy flows through the witch's heart and around their body, the emotions act as the fuel. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I think so. Why are you suddenly going over all this with me? I am eager to learn, but It's been an emotional few days and I really need rest."

"It's important because I know you believe Junius is no longer a threat."

"That's right, we all saw him burn today."

"Did we? Did you notice someone tied his hands differently then your mother's hands were tied?"

"They were?"

"Yes. Your mother's hands were tied down her side, so there was no way for her to connect her hands and create an energy flow. But they tied Tobias' hands behind his back, clasped together."

Abigail's eyes opened wide. "What? How? Who?" She suddenly paused and glanced toward the bedroom. Could it be? No, it made no sense. But clearly the two men knew to put his hands behind his back, not down the sides – they were the same men who tied up her mother so they knew to keep her hands apart. And the only reason those two men were there to prepare Tobias instead of the three townsmen who originally took him was.... Elizabeth Porter.

Abigail looked at Joseph as if another person close to them died. "What is it?" Joseph asked.

"I can't be sure yet, maybe nothing. Back to what you were saying.... So Tobias had his palms together, which meant he could generate a large energy flow. Are you suggesting he escaped somehow?"

"I'm merely suggesting it's possible."

Abigail stood suddenly and started pacing around the room, looking at the floor and deep in thought. "Joseph, is there someplace we can go to speak in private?"

"We're alone here – Elizabeth is in the bedroom."

"No, I mean truly in private."

Joseph looked down and thought for a moment. "There's a place in the woods where we would sometimes meet for secret covens. Only the members of the Order know about it."

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