
Abigail woke early despite still being exhausted. She was too excited about the opportunity to learn even more today. When the Porters awoke, Abigail was in her bed reading from the book. Joseph rubbed his eyes and asked, "Were you up all night reading?"

"No, I got some sleep. But I woke up early and wanted to read some more. This book is so fascinating. I love non-fiction and this is the pinnacle of the genre. I learn something completely new on literally every page. It's changed my entire perception of the world."

Joseph responded, "I can only imagine how much your world view has changed over the last two days. A vast, new dimension has been revealed to you. I can assure you every member of the Order would be jealous of the insights you alone are learning right now." Elizabeth looked up as if to agree, but remained silent.

Elizabeth started breakfast. Abigail saw her begin the preparations and normally would assist. Instead, she asked, "Mrs. Porter, is it all right if I continue reading? I don't intend to be rude, but there is so much for me to learn in such little time."

"Of course, dear. Do as you must. You have bigger responsibilities now than preparing meals and doing chores."

Abigail mumbled a "Thank you" as she continued reading. Joseph smiled at Elizabeth and he helped prepare breakfast. Elizabeth's behavior toward Abigail pleased him, and he was hopeful her actions would remove any concerns Abigail might continue to have.

Throughout breakfast Abigail continued to read. She would look up from her book every few minutes and apologize for her rudeness, but then go right back to it. As she grew more comfortable, she stopped trying to protect the book from prying eyes. She came to realize she was the only one who could actually read the book. It was fine if Joseph or Mrs. Porter looked at the pages. They would see nothing but a jumble of letters.

Joseph did not mind Abigail's lack of presence. Her natural ability to compartmentalize her emotions and focus her attention impressed him. Even with the immense heartache she suffered over the last week, she possessed the ability to dive eagerly into the world of the Order and was trying to reap as much knowledge as she could. He stared at her across the table with a look of parental pride.

Out of the corner of her eye, Abigail noticed his stare and immediately knew what he was thinking. She looked up from her book and sat up straight. "Joseph, you realize I have you to thank for all this, don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I would be a complete mess right now, not able to get out of bed much less focus on reading and learning, but for something you said to me."

Joseph leaned forward, eager to hear how Abigail would continue.

"After my father died, you told me he was with the other Masters, always looking over me. And one day I would join him and the others. That we would be together. Last night I read about the torrent and now understand the same thing is true about my mother. Don't misunderstand, I miss my parents terribly. But knowing they are not gone, just away temporarily, has brought me tremendous peace. While I don't see them here with me physically, I can feel their presence and I know I will be with them again at some point. You gave me that peace of mind. It is because of you I can focus so clearly on my learning right now rather than focusing on everything bad that has happened. I could find it quite easy to fall into the despair of loss, but instead I'm able to rejoice in my education. It's a legacy Mr. Putnam would be proud of, and you have given it to me. Thank you, Joseph."

Joseph sat back in his chair, sighed and shook his head back and forth. "I don't know that I've ever seen such maturity or someone so in touch with their inner feelings as you. The fact you would think that, and then actually say it to me, shows without a doubt what a fine leader you will be." He leaned forward. "Thank you for your kind words. If you don't mind, I'd like to provide just one piece of advice to you."

"Please do."

"Always remember that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but not asking is. Continue to follow your intuition – it will never lead you astray. You are quite the introspective person and others will lay their lives down for you because of who you are and how you act."

Abigail looked at him for a few moments, soaking in his wisdom. She nodded, smiled and returned to her book.

Elizabeth, who was remarkably quiet all morning, smiled and put her hand on Abigail's arm. She was quite impressed with Abigail. "So sad," she thought. Then she smiled at Joseph and put her other hand on his arm. Joseph placed his hand on top of hers and smiled back.

Elizabeth and Joseph cleaned the dishes while Abigail continued to read. Eventually Elizabeth broke the silence, "Perhaps we should go to your house soon to gather your clothing, so you and Joseph can spend the rest of the day with your education."

Abigail popped her head up, snapping out of being deep in thought. "Yes, that's a great idea. Let's go as soon as you're ready." She closed the book and tucked it under her arm, not wanting to part with it for even a few minutes.

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