3 - Never Leave a Cosmic Superhero Out in the Cold

Start from the beginning

"I am... I have super strength." Cody smirked wrapping her hand around his bicep and lifting him up into the air with one arm. 

"A-h..." he stuttered nervously when he realized that Cody was lifting him. he looked around and his feet were no longer touching the floor. 

Cody looked up at him and smiled. Kaz gave her literal heart eyes after that. he was so in love when Cody picked him up, but he immediately snapped himself out of it when his feet were back on the ground.

"Bro was so in love once she picked him up." Oliver said to Skylar who laughed.

Cody rolled her eyes, before looking at Kaz. "Anyway, today I wanted to do something with you, because. Alright so- sometimes-" She was cut off by Kaz.

"I like it when you think of things to do with me. It makes me feel honored, loved, and a part of your life." Kaz said with a small grin.

"Shut up." Cody said in an annoying tone of voice.

"Thank you." Kaz smiled.

"Uh, so anyway-" Cody started. "Since we have all this time, how about we go train... even though you're ready it's still good to practice. and maybe you can help me with my powers too." Cody smiled as Kaz smirked.

"that's a great idea lets go" Kaz said as he and Cody walked into the training room. 

Cody led Kaz to a secret room that is built to train powers. it was a large obstacle course.

"Alright Kaz, I will show you how this works and then you have to complete the obstacle course" Cody smiled as Kaz nodded.

Cody pressed a button to turn on the contraption. She jumped into the maze, and she got to a door that has five circles. the one on the left glowed purple for electrokinesis. she shot a blast of electricity at the circle and the door opened.

she then dodged moving targets with her enhanced agility and used her gymnastics to dodge projectiles. another wall appeared with a yellow glowing circle in the middle. Cody blasted cosmic energy at it and the wall disappeared.

Then she opened a space portal to bring her across the gap in front of her, then using her super senses to dodge more moving attacks. There was now a machine that fired ceramic discs at her and she used her proton rings to destroy all three fired. 

She then used her power of flight to fly through the tunnel, emerging at the other side. then flying up back to where Kaz was standing.

"Okay, you're turn." Cody smiled as Kaz smirked.

he went through the same process as Cody except he used his fire powers on the projectiles and as Cody was timing him, He came out not much slower than her, 

"So... how'd I do?' Kaz asked as Cody's mouth was hanging open.

"Kaz, I'm impressed. that was not much slower than me. good job!" Cody smiled.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this." Kaz smirked smugly,

"don't get cocky, Kaz. never underestimate your enemy." Cody advised as Kaz nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind." Kaz chuckled as Cody and Kaz walked back into the lobby of the hospital.

"Now that we're done training, do you maybe want to go to the movies with me?" Kaz asked Cody and Oliver and Skylar said simultaneously. 

"Duh!" as Kaz raised both his eyebrows at them and Cody gave them an annoyed glance.

"Oh... her..." Oliver said raising his hand up horizontally as if he were presenting someone or something.

The Elite Chronicles - Book 1: Defenders of Mighty MedWhere stories live. Discover now