32. Birthday Girl

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||Edward’s P

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||Edward’s P.O.V.||

Alice had seriously outdone herself. The entire house was decorated with white roses (Lynna’s favorite), along with a few pink ones sprinkled here and there for a pop of color. String lights were strung from the ceiling. There was a giant balloon arch with balloons of every color hanging over the door. White, gold, and pink balloons were scattered throughout the house, along with confetti poppers and those obnoxiously loud party blowers.

I had just gotten back from giving Lynna her gift, and I felt like I was walking on cloud nine. She had been much more receptive to gift-receiving than I had anticipated. She-who-shall-not-be-named flat out refused to allow me to purchase her a gift, so I was pleasantly surprised when Lynna graciously accepted the gift with starry eyes.

When Alice looked up from arranging a bouquet of flowers, she frowned.

“Why are you all wet?” She asked, tilting her head to the side.

After visiting Lynna, I could hardly walk into my home smelling like her. Giving the fact that I was all over her, her scent had clung to my clothes like a second skin. So, in a desperate bid to keep my family from growing suspicious, I had run to the waterfall and scrubbed my clothes until no traces of her scent remained.

“I went for a swim,” I told her with a shrug of my shoulders.

She rolled her eyes. Of all times, Edward. Seriously? “Well, will you hurry up and get a shower and make yourself decent? I have to pick up Lynna in a few minutes and it would mean a lot if you were actually present for the party and wearing dry clothes.”

Before I could open my mouth to respond, Emmett rounded the corner. My jaw went slack as I took in his attire. He was dressed in a polka-dotted green and yellow clown suit with a bright red nose and a horrendous orange wig. Alice’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. I threw my head back and laughed when I took note of her furious thoughts.

“Seriously?! What is with you two?!” She was annoyed.

Emmett wasn’t fazed. “What kind of birthday party doesn’t have clowns?” He asked, grinning broadly.

He had painted his face and everything. He certainly looked the part. Granted, his large frame was straining against the costume, but it somehow added to the goofy factor. Alice narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance.

“She’s turning eighteen. Not five!” She sneered, running a hand through her hair in frustration. “Please change into some normal clothes. I really want this to be perfect.”

“I think she’d rather enjoy the clown,” I commented, truly believing that to be true.

“You know nothing about her,” Alice retorted, waving her hand dismissively.

“I think he’s right,” Emmett agreed with me, flashing me a jovial smile. Thanks, man.

Alice rolled her eyes before sighing. “Fine. But if you’re going to be a clown, then you better juggle.”

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