20. Loathe You More

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||Lynna's P

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||Lynna's P.O.V||

"That was so much fun!" Alice beamed, linking arms with me as we walked out of the school and headed towards the limo.

Tyler was walking to my left with Alice on my right. The others were trailing behind us. Edward was walking directly behind me, practically breathing down my neck as we trekked across the parking lot. His close proximity was sending me over the edge, but I didn't want to show it.

"It was," Tyler was quick to agree, flashing me a smile that exposed his perfectly white teeth. "I'm glad you took pity on me and decided to be my date," he teased.

I rolled my eyes in a playful manner. "I didn't 'take pity' on you," I laughed. "But you guys are right. It was a lot of fun."

My mind immediately replayed the memory of dancing with Edward. How he had firmly gripped my waist. How his large hand swallowed mine. His icy touch that somehow managed to make my skin feel like it was on fire as he pulled me against him. The feel of his solid body pressed against mine. I shook my head, attempting to dispel the thoughts.

Emmett and Rosalie were the first ones in the limo, followed by Jasper and Alice. Edward casually leaned against the limo and tilted his head to the side, staring at me with a burning intensity that made my heart stutter in my chest. I awkwardly shifted my weight before turning to Tyler who was still wearing a boyish grin.

"Thanks for being my 'not-date'," he said with a chuckle.

"No problem," I smiled up at him.

He placed his hands in his pockets and stared down at the ground. "I- uh. I guess I'll see you at work tomorrow?"

I nodded, feeling nervous under Edward's unwavering gaze. Could he be any nosier? Knowing that he was watching, I decided to put on a show for him. I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed Tyler's cheek before flashing him a smile. His cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ty," I said before spinning my heels and walking towards the limo.

Edward's eyes were narrowed into slits as he stared at me; a look of anger was decorating his usually stoic features.

"See you tomorrow!" Tyler called back as Edward gestured for me to step inside the limo.

Edward was quick to climb in behind me, shutting the door behind us. I slid as far away from him as possible, but he positioned himself so that our knees were barely touching, sending an electrical current through me that made me feel light-headed. This was going to be a long ride home.


Monday rolled around like it always does. Nothing eventful happened over the weekend. Despite the dreamcatchers that hung over my bed, I was still haunted by the same nightmare night after night. Something occurred to me-What if it wasn't just a dream? What if it's some sort of message? I furrowed my brows at the thought as I walked into History.

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