A new part

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"There," Josh said, after cleaning up my leg. "Brand new."

My new bending foot is like a blade ripped outta the future. I wiggle my bending foot forwards hearing a  mechanical sound. Sticking halfway out of the trashcan is what remains of a sock. Key word; remains. The foot part of the sock is gone so only the top half remains that usually hugs above the ankle to infinity and beyond. Josh slides the remaining sock part dripped in blood into the trash. I tap my metal foot and my shoe together hearing  a 'klank'.

One human foot.

One robotic foot.

"How did you get your hands on something that has not been built yet?" I ask, looking forwards towards Josh.

"InGen makes replaceable body parts in case one of the dinosaurs bite a arm off," Josh said.

That new metal part feels really comfortable.

"I'll buy that," I said. "It is very logical."

Josh tosses a wrapped cheeseburger to me.

I caught it with my right hand.

"Eat up," Josh said. "You need all the strength to get adjusted to your new part."

"But I want chocolate milk with that," I said, with a whine.

"Okay, I'll get Sallie," Josh said. "And a cup."

"Sallie?" I ask.

"A cow," Josh said. "A chocolate cow."

I stare at Josh.

"You are kidding," I said, skeptical.

"I am not kidding," Josh said. "Hammond had them bred for the kids in a secret part of the island."

Josh left me be.

Perfect timing to make a quick visit to Mary!

I take the wrapped cheeseburger, with some napkins, along down the hall where Josh had vanished in thin air. Thanks to having Anosmia I can't smell anything except for smoke.  Anosmia means I cannot smell, period. Did I mention this before? I might have.  Anosmia is a genetically inherited thing unique to most people. My left foot is able to move smoothly as possible. My right foot, however, is getting adjusted to feeling a strange yet comfy metal bind clipped to my skin on some protective rubber. My runner blade bounces making a soft click sound at each depression made towards spotless clean floor. I turn sideways then hop all the way to the elevators. Maybe an average person might call it a 'sideways skip' more than a 'sideways hop' because it is so fluid and energetic bouncy like.

I made it to the elevator then slide right in landing alongside the rails.

"Where do you want to go?" The elevator asks.

"Dinosaur recovery room," I said, using the rails as my support.

Click went my right foot.

"Designation in progress," The elevator said.

The elevator doors smoothly close, dramatically.

Cue dramatic music.

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