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I knew why the cars had stopped at the Tyrannosaurus Rex padlock.

"First the no show of the Dilophosaurus, then a storm, and next the Jeep stopping," Tim complains.

I sit in the passenger seat along side Gennaro since 'Ivy, you are adult, back seat is for kids'.

Why yes I had told him my age.

"Is there anything  more worse?" Alexis asks, sarcastically.

"Yes," I said, with a nod. "There is." I tap on the shoulder to the passenger seat. "Dinobot tearing through the forest with Waspinator and Megatron accompanying big old Betsy."

"Who is Dinobot?" Alexis asks.

"A dinosaur who is a robot,"  Tim said.

"You win the grand prize, Tim!" I said.

"Woohoo!" Tim cheers.

"The prize is a Sami Truck capable of becoming Optimus Prime!" I said.

"Optimus Prime!" Tim said. "Oh em gee, when can I get it?"

"In 2010," I said.

"Who is Dinobot?" Tim asks.

"You'll see in 3 years," I said. "Right now I can't tell."

Fun fact Beast Wars will come out in 1996 (my birth year) and I know because research. I did some research way back when writing Transformer fanfics. The goat baa's repeatedly even after it sat down to the hard pavement. The rain lightly beats against the windshield. I turn around leaning alongside to the window feeling tired as exhaustion can be.  My mind wonders off to the far reaches of my creative mind where a idea of Loki being a substitute  PE teacher only be able to seen by school kids and no one outside out of the school system except for the parents can see him.

How hilarious would that be?

Very hilarious if it were taken to cinematic and a different actor was used to portray a different Loki.

Specifically the actor  who portrayed Loki in Son of The Mask.

"Boo!" Tim said, hoping out from the back.

"Ah!" Alexis shrieks.

"Gotcha!" Tim said, lowering the pair.

"Tim, don't do that to me!" Alexis said, hitting Tim with her baseball hat.

"These can see through the dark," Tim said.

"Are they heavy?" Gennaro asks.

"A little," Tim said.

"Put it back where you got it," Gennaro said, as Tim goes over the backseat looking through the pair. Exactly what he said in the movie. Exactly! The movie is happening. "Probably expensive."

I smile.

"Very nostalgic," I said.

"Oh really?" Gennaro asks.

"I had a pair of binoculars that I decorated in green and yellow then added a attachment with green lenses," I lied. "It was cool at first," I yawn. "Until I got green circles around my eyes and had it for a complete week."

Gennaro laughs.

"Very funny," Gennaro said.

"Yeah," I lied. "That it was...For my family."

"What was it nostalgic for?" Gennaro asks.

"Ace Adventure: In the Jungle," I said. "Ace had a thing called 'The Pair' which he used to skunk out a animal."

"Skunk out," Alexis said. "What a terrible misuse of  the animal that leaves bad stenches."

"Well, I am more of a writer than a speaker," I said.

"My sister is a nerd," Tim said.

"I am a hacker!" Alexis said.  "Not a nerd."

I hear the ground tremble. Here comes Betsy! I smile at the thought. The goat stopped making sounds. Danger fills the air outside of the Jeep. The rain lightens outside becoming capable of being seen through. In 1993 I wasn't even born or conceived yet but if I happen to be right then in this universe the only living sibling I have being one year younger than me will be my brother Christian. I wonder how his life will be without me in it. Tim turns away from the back coming over to the two cups on the dashboard.

"Woah," Tim said, with one hand on Alexis's shoulder. "Do you see that?"

"This is a terrible joke, Tim," Alexis said. "Not funny."

The ground trembles, again, making  the jeep bounce

"Probably the power generators trying to kick back on," Gennaro said, looking up towards the shaking review mirror.

Alexis looks up.

"What happened to the goat?" Alexis asks, looking away from the roof.

The goat's leg lands on the roof.

"AH!" Alexis screams.

Betsy is chomping down a goat like pasta only gulping it down.

"Don't move," I said.

But apparently Gennaro isn't so much listening to reason and logic.

"Oh jesus, oh jesus," Gennaro said, getting out of the Jeep.

Gennaro gets out looking up towards Betsy then runs by towards the restroom building.

"He left us, he left us," Alexis said, panicking.

In Jurassic WorldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant