Chapter Forty-Eight

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Three days after Aemond and Rhaena's wedding, while the new King and Queen eased into a life of marital bliss a ship waving flags with a black stag in the middle of a field of yellow. Wheelhouses had been sent to wait at the docks with strict instructions to bring the new arrivals straight to the Good Wife.

Elowen's feet itched to pace the length of the Great Hall as she waited for whatever news had been brought to her doorstep. She stood alone with only members of the kingsguard to keep her company, Elowen had urged Aemond and Rhaena to enjoy the beginnings of their marriage, promising she would deal with whatever was needed.

Her hand reached up, adjusting the new crown that sat upon her head. Following Aemond and Rhaena's wedding ceremony, Elowen had gifted her new daughter Alysanne's crown. Within two days, Aemond was presenting his mother with a new slimmer diadem. It mimicked the shape and peaks of Viserys's crown, at the forefront rested a large ruby encircled by two golden dragons. Elowen had teared up at the gift, pressing a kiss to her son's cheek before ushering him back to his wife.

"Lord Borros Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands." Ser Harrold announced as the thickset noble entered the Great Hall, followed by his daughters. "And his daughters, the Ladies Cassandra, Maris, Ellyn, and Floris."

"Your Grace," The large Baratheon greeted Elowen, bowing in respect to the Queen Mother. "It is with my house's deepest regret we were unable to attend King Aemond's wedding."

"Your absence was deeply missed," Elowen lied, placating the man. In all honesty House Baratheon's absence went by unnoticed. "If you had hoped to meet with His Grace I must inform you he is not taking visitors at this time."

"I do not show up empty handed, Your Grace. I believe King Aemond will want to see me."

"As I said, His Grace is not receiving visitors at this moment. However, I would be happy to see this gift and tell the King of it."

Lord Borros bristled for a moment, angered by Elowen's refusal to allow him to see the King. "Very well." He grit his teeth, turning back to the doorway to call out.

Several knights of House Baratheon's household guard entered the Great Hall, a short figure hanging loosely in their tight grips, his feet dragging behind him. A burlap sack had been thrown over the captives head, hiding his face and features from Elowen. Even the rags he wore gave her no indication of the prisoner's identity.

"What is the meaning of this, Lord Borros?"

A loud, cruel laugh bubbled up from the lord's chest as he ordered one of the knights to remove the sack. A head of dark brown hair limply fell forward. "I bring you the traitor, Prince Lucerys," Borros tightly gripped the brown locks, yanking Lucerys's head back so that Elowen could see him. "The boy came to Storm's End to remind me of my father's oath."

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