Chapter Forty-Five

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Elowen had busied herself with the preparations for Aemond's crowning, she had delved into the stage's creation and the designs for each of her children's outfits for the occasion. The skin under her eyes had darkened from the nights of restless sleep, unable to drift away without Viserys's comforting presence by her side.

A stage had been quickly constructed in the Dragon Pit following Elowen's direction. The Queen had invited the small folk of King's Landing to attend the ceremony and join in on the celebrations. Those of Noble birth watched from the balconies as the royal family and members of the Small Council took their places on the stage.

"Are you ready?" Elowen briefly glanced to her right before turning back to watch the crowd flood into the large space.

"No," Elowen whispered. "When I married Viserys I never even considered that I would have to live without him." She finally tore her gaze from the crowd. "How is Lord Corlys? Have you received any word?"

"He sails for King's Landing," Rhaenys's gaze hardens as she speaks of her husband's wellbeing. Corlys had already fought through three wars and now he might face a forth if Rhaenyra decided to lash out. "The Velaryon fleet sails with him."

"Thank you," Elowen's hand stretched out from her side, reaching out for Rhaenys. The older woman welcomed the touch, squeezing the widow's hand tightly. "You have been my dearest friend, I do not know where I would be without your sound advice."

"The feeling is mutual." Rhaenys whispered, a smile pulling at the corners of her lips.

"Your Grace?" A voice quietly called from Elowen's left, causing her to turn. She could feel her smile fall as she took in Lyonel's grim look.

"Yes, Lyonel."

"It is time."

Elowen sighed, nodding her head as she moved to the side slightly so Lyonel could stand in the center. Rhaenys stepped back, joining her granddaughters beside besides Elowen's other children.

"People of King's Landing," Lyonel addressed the crowd. "As you know our beloved King, Viserys the Peaceful, has passed. And while we mourn him, we must now celebrate the succession of his chosen heir, his second son, Prince Aemond."

Applause filled the cavernous room, echoing and bouncing off the dome roof. Members of the castle guard entered the dragon pit through a side entrance. The crowd parted as the guards created a walkway all the way to the stage. Horns sounded as the guards raised their swords in unison and Aemond entered the Dragon Pit, his head held high as he moved to the stage.

"It is your great and good fortune and privilege to witness a new day for our city, a new day for our realm," Lyonel called as Aemond neared the steps to the stage. "A new King to lead us."

Aemond hesitated for a moment, his foot hanging over the first step. His gaze met Elowen's, so soft and small. It reminded Elowen of his youth, when he would run to Elowen crying over his lack of dragon. She would always hold him tightly to her, allowing him to hide in his mother's embrace. And now he would be king, and there would be no hiding from the Iron Throne.

She nodded, softly smiling in hope that all Aemond needed was a bit of reassurance. He took a deep breath, finally pushing himself to ascend the steps. Elowen stepped forward as soon as both of Aemond's feet were on the stage. She cradled Aemond's face in her hands, tilting his head down slightly so she could press a kiss to his forehead.

"I am so proud of you, my sweet boy. You will be a wonderful king, Aemond, just like your father and grandsire." The Queen whispered, leading her son further onto the stage before she stepped back, joining her other children.

Aemond knelt down, watching as the septon moved to stand in front of him, a small golden bowl held tightly in the holy man's hands.

"May the Warrior give him courage." He dipped his thumb into the oil before smearing a line across Aemond's forehead. "May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." The septon repeated the process with each sentence, until he stepped back.

Elowen moved forward once more as the septon turned to place the golden crown into her hands. An ache filled her chest as she stared down at the Targaryen heirloom, her thumb grazed over the three headed dragon embellished into the metal. Elowen quickly blinked, feeling tears pricking at the corners of her eyes.

The Queen stepped before her son, lifting the crown high so the crowd could see it. "The crown of King Jaehaerys the Conciliator." She gently laid the crown atop Aemond's head, smiling softly as she stepped away once more.

"Let the Seven bear witness: Aemond Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Lyonel spoke, allowing his voice to carry throughout the dragonpit. Aemond pushed himself onto his feet, pausing as he glanced at each member of his family. Waiting for their nod of approval before turning to face his subjects. "All hail His Grace, Aemond, first of his name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

The crowd erupted into cheers as King Aemond was announced, he unsheathed the Valyrian steel sword at his hip. Lifting Blackfyre into the air as the crowd cheered louder.

"Long live the King!" Was screamed from deep within the crowd and quickly repeated as the small folk celebrated their new King.

AN: Short chapter cuz I'm busy and I had to split this one and the next one in half


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