Chapter Twenty-One

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Elowen had been happy to see the high walls of the Red Keep. It was as if the pale red stone had welcomed her with open arms and the warmth of a loved one. Flames danced over candles scattered across the King and Queen's apartments. Elowen and Viserys rested on plush chairs facing a lit heart as the Grand Maester and his apprentice cared for the royal couple.

Viserys groaned as Mellos handed him a freshly mixed tincture. His face scrunched up in disgust as he sipped at the concoction causing Elowen to laugh at him. His eyes flashed in a brief warning before softening as Orwyle knelt beside the Queen.

Elowen smiled at the apprentice as she allowed him to lift her nightgown over her swollen stomach. She hissed as his hands brushed against the taut skin causing the man to look up in worry.

"Your hands are cold, Orwyle. Nothing more." Elowen patted the man's hand before shifting slightly in her seat.

"Apologies, Your Grace." Orwyle grinned at the kindhearted woman, turning his attention back to the task at hand.

His fingers pressed into her flesh, feeling for the babe's position. As the moon grew fuller in the sky and the estimated date of her babe's arrival grew closer, Elowen asked the young man to examine her almost nightly. She couldn't help that her anxieties grew worse with every hour that passed.

The young maester's hands settled over the left side of her stomach. "The babe has settled on your left side, Your Grace. Means the babe shall be a girl."

"A girl?" Elowen gasped, turning to face her husband. A large smile lit up her face and her eyes shined with love for her husband and the children they had created. Viserys smiled back at Elowen, though it quickly twisted into a grimace as his head began to pound once more. She turned back to the man kneeling beside her and laid her hand over his once more. "Thank you, Orwyle."

A shy smile spread across Orwyle's lips. A friendship had blossomed between him and the Queen since she came under his care. She had refused Mellos's numerous attempts to examine her, turning to the Grand Maester's apprentice and taking his advice instead.

He felt honored to have gained her trust, and swore to never break it.

"Her Grace has been craving venison and poultry, Orwyle." Mellos interrupted the sweet moment between Queen and subject. "The babe will be a boy."

Orwyle's head fell slightly, before turning to his teacher. "Yes, Grand Maester."

Elowen offered the man a sympathetic look, as he rushed to help the old maester pack away any supplies used. A comfortable smile filled the room as the maesters left, leaving the royal couple alone. Elowen turned to her husband, gazing at him for a moment before she pulled herself to her feet.

As if he had sensed her presence, Viserys reached out for her. He pulled her down onto his lap, one arm wrapping around her waist while his other hand laid over her stomach. Elowen's own arm laid over his broad shoulders. She pressed her cheek against the top of his head, sinking into her husband's warmth. Her fingers wrapped around the wrist resting on her abdomen, she could feel his pulse under her fingertips. The steady thumping calmed Elowen's soul, steadying her heart and mind. "How are you feeling, husband?"

"The gods have punished me for my indulgences." Viserys groaned, tightening his hold on Elowen's waist and pulling her closer.

"At least the wine was good." Elowen smiled into his hair, tilting her head to press a kiss to the strands of white gold.

"Too Good." Viserys agreed, pressing his hand against Elowen's swollen belly. "I do not think Rhaenyra enjoyed Lord Jason's company. She is cross with me."

"I would have warned you if I had known of your intentions. Perhaps next time you will speak to me of the match first."

Viserys pressed a kiss to the exposed skin between her collar bones in lieu of an apology. "She is of age. If she is to rule she needs to marry a high lord who will honor her, defend her, and serve her as king consort. Her wishes in the matter are irrelevant."

"I do not wish to argue on the matter, but I do believe that Rhaenyra will marry. Allow her to make her own choice in husband." Viserys hummed in response, easily accepting his wife's advice. "I heard word you received a letter from Vaemond Velaryon, what does he write of?"

"He is asking for support and aid in his fight in the Stepstones."

"Then why not send it?"

"Because it is a war started by two malcontents, unhappy with decisions I made. If I now provide Daemon and Corlys succor, what will that say of their King?"

"You are good man, Viserys. And you love your brother. You need only decide if you care more for the wellbeing of your kingdom than your pride."

"Such harsh words, my love."

Elowen leaned back slightly at Viserys's tone. Her hand left his wrist to cradle the side of his face, tilting his head slightly so she could look into his lavender eyes. "You can unburden yourself with me, Viserys. I am your wife. Let me ease your worries, you only need to share them."

"I fear I am forever doomed to anger one person in the pleasing of another."

"If that is so I shall be your shield, your sword, and a soft place to rest your head." Elowen pressed a kiss to the space between his eyebrows, soothing the tension that had formed. "But you are also King, my love. So you must decide if it is better for the realm if the Crabfeeder thrives or is vanquished?"

Viserys was silent for a moment as he thought over his wife's words. Maybe Elowen was correct, maybe he had been too proud. His hand came up, bracing her delicate wrist as if afraid she would slip through his fingertips. 

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