Chapter Three

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The next day the members of King Viserys's court and the visiting noble houses took their places surrounding Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon's pyres

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The next day the members of King Viserys's court and the visiting noble houses took their places surrounding Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon's pyres. As a thanks for her service to the crown, Elowen was allowed to stand with the royal family, though if Elowen had to guess she had Rhaenyra to thank. The Princess had not strayed far from her Aunt's side over the past day, and even now she held tightly to Elowen's hand as if afraid she too would disappear.

The location chosen for the Queen's funeral was beautiful, a cliff side overlooking the Black Sea. The sounds of the waves crashing and the smell of salt water filled the air. Aemma would've loved it. The former Queen adored open fields, often speaking of their childhood in the Vale together. The two would often take strolls and picnics in the fields surrounding the dragon pit as Rhaenyra flew through the sky. Spending the time speaking of the future of the kingdom. Aemma would soothe Elowen as time passed and no child grew in her womb, and after the maesters had declared her barren Aemma had held her close and wiped tears from Elowen's eyes. Elowen would laugh and tease Aemma over her worry about Rhaenyra, She would pull Aemma from the Red Keep's walls and hold her after another babe was lost.

But there would be no more picnics. No more reading books together. No more laughing at Aemma as she stressed over Rhaenyra flying on Syrax. No more talks of the future. No more inside jokes. No more Aemma.

Elowen was ripped from her spiraling thoughts as Prince Daemon stepped forward, coming just behind Elowen and Rhaenyra's shoulder.

"They're waiting for you." He whispered.

And though the two continued in High Valyrian, Elowen could tell it was most likely at the King's expense. The brunette reached for Rhaenyra's hand giving it a supportive squeeze, trying to bring her niece some semblance of comfort. The Princess sent a grateful look to her Aunt before glancing at where her father stood all alone.

Elowen followed Rhaenyra's line of sight, her eyes hardening at the sight of Viserys mourning the woman whose death he had ordered. She vaguely felt Rhaenyra slip from her hold before the young teen had returned, crumbling into Elowen's open arms. Elowen's eyes slipped from the King's form, before sweeping over Rhaenyra and landing on the burning pyres behind her.

Aemma was gone, she was truly gone.


Sleep had not come for Elowen that night. She tried to stay perfectly still while sobs shook her frame, trying to claw its way out of her chest and escape into the night air. Her husband laid beside her, loud snores spilling from his lips. Lord Richard Redfort had returned to his marriage bed in the Red Keep from Flea Bottom like he did every night. He had no condolences to offer his wife, not that Elowen expected them anymore. She had long since grown complacent in the marriage, it was easier to do as he wished than argue. She had found the bruises faded quicker that way.

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