Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next day, Elowen had followed her husband into the Small Council's meeting chambers. If the most powerful men in the realm had been surprised by her presence they hid it well, swallowing their pride as their seats were shifted. Throughout the meeting Viserys's focus repeatedly shifted to the presence on his left, smiling at his wife as she intertwined her fingers with his. Pride brimmed in Elowen's eyes as Viserys announced his intent to send aid to the Stepstones, shutting down any discussion on the matter and quickly ended the meeting.

Rhaenyra entered the chambers as the Small Council filed out through the doors. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of Elowen standing beside her father at the head of the table. The bitter taste of anger spread across her tongue as she swallowed the vitriol she longed to spew, throat burning as she attempted to push it down.

"Make haste to Dwarfstone, Ser Addam." Viserys ordered the knight, handing him a small roll of parchment. "Hand deliver this to Prince Daemon yourself."

"At once, Your Grace." Ser Addam bowed.

"We shall pray to the Seven for your safe journey." Elowen smiled at the knight, her hand hand rubbed over her swollen stomach in attempt to calm her worries.

"Thank you, Your Grace." The man nodded as he turned to exit the room, the rest of his small squadron following after him.

"Dwarfstone?" Rhaenyra asked as she joined her father and stepmother at the head of the table, causing the King and Queen to turn towards her..

"I'm sending word to Daemon. Aid is sailing to the Stepstones."

"Did he make call for help?"

"He would sooner die." Viserys smiled at his daughter. His hand pressed into Elowen's lower back, directing her to take his seat. "But his king does not mean to allow that."

The room was silent for a moment as Rhaenyra watched Elowen sit in the King's chair. Venomous words clawed up her throat, screaming to be let loose. The Princess swallowed back the hatred as she sat in the Hand's chair.

"Do you not think my decision correct?" Viserys asked at his daughter's continued silence.

"It is no consequence to what I think as I'm often reminded." Rhaenyra sassed. The Princess wondered why her step mother was in the Small Council's room and why her father had asked her here. The only answer she could come up with was that her father had decided to replace her.

"Daemon is thorn enough in my flesh. Will you insist on taking after him? Must everything be a battle?"

Elowen reached back to take Viserys's hand, hoping to calm the man down. "This is not why we wished to speak to you, Rhaenyra."

"If you wish to speak of your attempt to marry me off to Casterly Rock." Rhaenyra's sharp glare bounced between her father and stepmother.

The hand around his own tightened, signaling Viserys to apologize. "I am sorry, Rhaenyra. I was trying to help you. Will you not be helped?"

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