However, he cannot lock Lee Heeseung there forever, since there was also where he sleeps at day.

"- Sunoo..." Heeseung starts, and knocks a few times on the door of the tomb. "- ... You're not thinking of locking me inside, right? Argh! It's so narrow. And as a matter fact, I'm claustrophobic." From knocking, he moves to trying to push the door open, and he almost succeeds, so Sunoo pushes his hands on the door and holds it still.

"- You talk too much." Sunoo pouts, folding his arms over his chest. "- And I don't see why I wouldn't. You keep pestering me. I don't like you, and you still think we're friends, which oh, we're not!"

"- ... But you need this tomb, it's your bed!"

"- I can always throw it in the lake for the mermaids to feed on it, then I will ask for a new tomb. Easy, and I heard that they have a lot of mummy tombs left since not much unrolled this year and a lot of senior mummies left." He counters. "- Don't worry about me, Lee~"

"- ... The mermaids are scary..." The vampire mumbles.

Sunoo starts to laugh.

"- Oh, but you're Lee Heeseung!" He twits. "- What do you say again? Oh right, any girl would fall head over heels for you~ so use those ✨incomparable✨ charms of yours to convince them not to eat you alive."

Lee Heeseung is silent while Sunoo cackles uncontrollably.

A moment of distraction from Sunoo, and he soon gets flips to the other side of the tomb, falling on the hard wood of the floor and on his butt.

"- Damn, you're much stronger than I thought."

Sunoo starts to whine when stands on the other side, is the tall, insufferable vampire. He cringes at his crimson red eyes, and eyebrow and lip piercings.

"- Go away? What do you want!" He yaps a little more.

Lee Heeseung walks idly with his hands inside the pockets of his uniform pants and approaches Sunoo's silhouette, still lying on the floor. Then, he extends his hand towards him, and Sunoo stares at it. Lee Heeseung has this cringe responsible, gentleman-like, considerate but cold and expressionless face on when he offers him his hand. He likes to act cool like this in front of girls, SO WHY SUNOO?

Sunoo accepts his hand nonetheless, feeling just a tiny bit guilty for trapping a vampire prince inside a mummy's tomb. Bad for himself and his own reputation which was now at risk of being stained, and not for almost suffocating Lee Heeseung.

"- Ugh. Remind me why I did take your hand again?" Sunoo makes a face.

Loyal to his playboy self, Lee Heeseung lifts him up to a standing position, yet does not stop there, and thinks they are in some cliché romance scene, as he wraps one arm around his waist and brings him closer to his chest. He intertwines their fingers together, and Sunoo frowns at them.

"- Cuz you fell for me, admit it. You love me so much, and you like to pretend that I drive you crazy because you find me annoying and not annoyingly attractive."

"- Oh, wow." Sunoo deadpans. "- I didn't know someone could be this delusional."

"- Don't play hard to get." The vampire murmurs. He probably thinks he is being super-hot right now, which sort of makes Sunoo want to burst out laughing.

"- I'm not playing. I'm truly hard to get." Sunoo sighs, as if it is something he cannot help.

"- Yeah, and I'm just hard-"

"- What in heaven, why did you come here? What do you want from me?" Sunoo cuts him off. He wishes Lee Heeseung would not talk at all, let alone make lame, dirty jokes.

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